ljunkie / plexWatch

Notify and Log watched content on a Plex Media Server
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History isn't tracking properly #121

Open Kazz3r24 opened 8 years ago

Kazz3r24 commented 8 years ago

I've noticed that everything seems to be functioning fine in terms of tracking recently added media, as well as if something is currently being watched; however, the history doesn't seem to be tracking properly. It's missing several months worth of usage. Not sure what the issue is there. I'm using the latest version of Plex Media Server on Ubuntu 15.10. Any input is greatly appreciated, if you need any logs please let me know.

xisplo commented 8 years ago

I am having the exact same issue. Tracks whos watching what properly on the home screen. Tracks added movies/tv shows/whatever. BUT when it comes to tracking history, usage and so on it has stopped. mine has stopped working since March 13th 2016. It has also stopped tracking "Users" (last online)

Any help would be apreciated running docker on unraid (latest 6.1.9) plexWatch/Web Version: v1.5.4.2 plexWatch Version: v0.3.3-DEV

krim404 commented 8 years ago

possible reason: new logfile location and names. Only a minor bugfix needed if this is the reason.

phaelix commented 8 years ago

Same issue here, running plex on windows 10, plexwatch 0.3.3-DEV plexwatchweb I checked the log location and name and it appears to still be the same after plex's last update.

marwinthemartin commented 8 years ago

Same for me. Latsest server version on Ubuntu. Anyone manage to fix this yet?

Kazz3r24 commented 8 years ago

I did manage to get it tracking again, what I ended up doing was downloading the latest dev build which I heard about through some Googling. I removed all of the related files from the previous version from my /var/www/html directory as well as /opt/plexWatch just in case (after making a backup). Out and about right now, but as soon as I can I'll post a link if I can find it again for the dev build. I am also noticing that if you upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04, it essentially completely breaks plexWatch as it uses a different version of php and other dependencies that plexWatch needs. Still looking into a fix for it, but so far it doesn't look good.

xisplo commented 8 years ago

I started using PlexPy Does a lot more And it is updated often