ljunkie / plexWatch

Notify and Log watched content on a Plex Media Server
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Allow specifying a config file in flags #123

Open nalipaz opened 8 years ago

nalipaz commented 8 years ago

So I have a request. I would like to be able to specify that a specific config file be used. The reason for this is that I want to run two different instances of plexWatch.pl with different configurations on cron runs.

As a use-case, I need to be able to notify other users that new content is added to plex, while my personal user I want to receive notifications regarding watching, finished watching, and new content. I can accomplish this with a pushbullet channel (pushing only the new content notification to it), and giving friends access to the channel. But I need to be able to still get notifications for when other events happen to just my pushbullet account.

Thanks and I think this should be a pretty easy addition since it really would only require some modifications to how you load the config.pl near the top of the script.