ljunkie / plexWatch

Notify and Log watched content on a Plex Media Server
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growl for windows integration #134

Open BermudaLamb opened 6 years ago

BermudaLamb commented 6 years ago

My configuration line in the .pl file looks like this:

'script' => 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Growl for Windows\growlnotify.com',

I also tried it with growlnotify.exe, before you ask.

I'm getting the following message when I try the --test_notify=start or --test_notify=stop commands:

Bad arguments : An item with the same key has already been added.
Can't spawn "C:\Program Files (x86)\Growl for Windows\growlnotify.com": No error at plexWatch.pl line 2964, <DATA> line 176.

Is this project being actively worked on? If not, can you open source the code and make it available for everyone?