ljunkie / plexWatch

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Exclude Library IDs Broken? #90

Closed MikeFalcor closed 9 years ago

MikeFalcor commented 9 years ago

The very last part of the config file....sigh...

I am trying to exclude my section 6 (Anime), but no matter what I try it keeps including it.

Tried: @exclude_library_ids = (6,); @exclude_library_ids = (6);

And before you ask, no, it is NOT commented out... ;)

This WAS working just fine. Then I removed a section and re-added the same section later with different media scanners. Now I can't exclude it to save my life.

ljunkie commented 9 years ago

If you removed the library, then the ID will change. It's not very intuitive, but there is an easy way to see the current libraries and id.

/opt/plexWatch/plexWatch.pl --recently_added

MikeFalcor commented 9 years ago

Yup! I know that the ID changes. The ID used to be 3, now it is 6. Verified by plex media scanner and by Plex Management web UI.

MikeFalcor commented 9 years ago

Sorry, this isn't your problem. It's plexWatch/Web. Heading over there now! :) Close me!