ljuvela / GlottDNN

GlottDNN vocoder and tools for training DNN excitation models
Apache License 2.0
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dnn-excitation glottal-vocoder glottdnn-vocoder pytorch speech-synthesis vocoder

GlottDNN Vocoder

The GlottDNN package contains two main parts:

1) The glottal vocoder written in C++

2) Python scripts for vocoder analysis, synthesis and training a DNN excitation model:


The vocoder C++ code has the following library dependencies:

Usually the best way to install the dependencies is with the system package manager. For example, in Ubuntu use apt-get install the packages libgsl0-dev, libsndfile1-dev, libconfig++-dev

The C++ part uses a standard GNU autotools build system. To compile the vocoder, run the following commands in the project root directory


Since the build targets are rather generically named Analysis and Synthesis, you might not want them in your default system PATH. Use the --prefix flag to choose another install path

   ./configure --prefix=/your/install/path/bin
   make install

Usually configure and make should be enough, but if the process complains about missing files try running

automake --add-missing

Installation using a conda environment

Conda environments are useful for managing dependencies and keeping a GlottDNN installation contained from the systemwide environment. For more information about managing conda enviroments, see https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-environments.html

Create and activate a new conda environment.

conda create -n glottdnn
conda activate glottdnn

Install dependencies

conda install -c conda-forge libsndfile gsl libconfig 

Optionally, install pytorch with conda

conda install pytorch torchaudio -c pytorch

Set compiler flags to compiler flags to point to the currently active conda environment. The compiled binaries will be installed in $CONDA_PREFIX/bin/

export CPPFLAGS=-I$CONDA_PREFIX/include/
./configure --prefix $CONDA_PREFIX
make install

Library dependencies are linked dynamically, so we need to make sure they are is visible in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Adding an env_vars.sh activate script is a convenient way to do this automatically whenever the conda environment is activatied.

# any shell scripts in these directories are run at activation/deactivation
mkdir -p $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d
mkdir -p $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/deactivate.d

# modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH at activation
export ACTIVATE_SCRIPT=$CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/env_vars.sh

# restore LD_LIBRARY_PATH state at deactivation
export DEACTIVATE_SCRIPT=$CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/deactivate.d/env_vars.sh

Analysis-synthesis example

These examples assume 16kHz sampling rate audio. Other sampling rates are feasible, but you should change the config accordingly.

Let's first get a wave file from the Arctic database


mkdir -p $DATADIR

Acoustic feature analysis

Now run GlottDNN Analysis program with default configuration

./src/Analysis "$DATADIR/$BASENAME.wav" ./config/config_default_16k.cfg

We should now have the following files

ls ./data/tmp/ 


Synthesis with single pulse excitation

First let's run copy synthesis with SINGLE_PULSE excitation. This method uses a single fixed glottal pulse, which is modified according to F0 and HNR (similarly to the original GlottHMM vocoder).

# Run synthesis with default config
./src/Synthesis "$DATADIR/$BASENAME" ./config/config_default_16k.cfg

# Move generated file
mv "$DATADIR/$BASENAME.syn.wav" "$DATADIR/$BASENAME.syn.sp.wav"    

A copy-synthesis wave file should now be at ./data/tmp/slt_arctic_a0001.syn.sp.wav. The single pulse excitation will sound somewhat buzzy, so let's try if we can do better.

Synthesis with original pulses

We already extracted glottal pulses from the signal and stored them in ./data/tmp/slt_arctic_a0001.pls. Better quality can be achieved by re-assembling the original pulses using pitch synchronous overlap-add.

To override some of the default config values, we can create a "user config" file and run Synthesis with two config files

# Create user config
echo '# Comment: User config for GlottDNN' > $CONF_USR  
echo 'USE_WSOLA = true;' >> $CONF_USR
echo 'NOISE_GAIN_VOICED = 0.0;' >> $CONF_USR

# Run synthesis with two config files
./src/Synthesis "$DATADIR/$BASENAME" ./config/config_default_16k.cfg $CONF_USR

# Move generated file
mv "$DATADIR/$BASENAME.syn.wav" "$DATADIR/$BASENAME.syn.paf.wav"       

Of course the original pulses are not available in many applications (such as text-to-speech). For this, we can use a trainable excitation model (neural net), which generates the pulses from acoustic features.

Built-in neural net excitation model

The present version requires pytorch>=1.1.0 and all theano dependencies have been removed.

Note that the following is a toy example, since we now use only 10 audio files. This example is intended as a quick sanity check and can be easily run on a CPU. For more data and more complex models, a GPU is recommended.

Let's first download some data

sh ./dnn_demo/get_data.sh

Before we run anything, have a look into


Then run the example script by saying

python3 ./python/GlottDnnScript.py ./dnn_demo/config_dnn_demo.py

The demo script runs vocoder analysis, trains a DNN excitation model, and finally applies copy-synthesis to the samples. After running, the copy-synthesis results are stored in ./dnn_demo/data/syn and the original wave files are in ./dnn_demo/data/wav.

Python config contents

Prepare a directory structure under and make file lists based on contents of the wav sub-directory

make_dirs = 1
make_scp = 1

Optionally, use REAPER for pitch (F0) and GCI analysis. Also optionally, use RAPT from SPTK for pitch analysis. These programs need to be installed separately, so this example does not use them.

do_reaper_pitch_analysis = 0
do_sptk_pitch_analysis = 0

Use GlottDNN to extract glottal vocoder features and pulses for excitation model training.

do_glott_vocoder_analysis = 1

Package data and train an excitation model for GlottDNN, as supported by the internal implementation. Uses theano for training and only supports simple fully connected nets with least squares training.

make_dnn_train_data = 1
make_dnn_infofile = 1
do_dnn_training = 1

Do copy synthesis (using the internal implementation of DNN excitation)

do_glott_vocoder_synthesis = 1

Improvements from toy example

1) Use more data 2) Experiment with different pitch estimators


When in trouble, open an issue at GitHub. Others will likely have similar issues and it's best to solve them collectively


For more examples and explanation, check the documentation in



Copyright 2016-2018 Lauri Juvela and Manu Airaksinen

This product includes software developed at Aalto University (http://www.aalto.fi/).

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 See LICENCE and NOTICE for full licence details.

If you publish work based on GlottDNN, please cite

    M. Airaksinen, L. Juvela, B. Bollepalli, J. Yamagishi and P. Alku,
    "A comparison between STRAIGHT, glottal, and sinusoidal vocoding in statistical parametric speech synthesis,"
    in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing.
    doi: 10.1109/TASLP.2018.2835720. 

The paper also contains a technical details of the vocoder

If the software is to be deployed in commercial products, permission must be asked from Aalto University (please contact: lauri.juvela@aalto.fi , manu.airaksinen@aalto.fi or paavo.alku@aalto.fi).

This software distribution also includes third-party C++ wrappers for the GSL library, which are licenced separately under the GPL 3 licence. For details, see src/gslwrap/LICENCE