lkhrs / hugo-dark-visitors

Hugo module which creates robots.txt using the Dark Visitors API.
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Give AI company scraper bots a gentle "no" with this Hugo module. Uses the Dark Visitors API to import the latest robots.txt.


  1. Grab your Dark Visitors API key from the Projects page
  2. Add the API key to the HUGO_DARKVISITORS environment variable
  3. Import the module
  4. Tell Hugo to generate robots.txt
  5. Configure API options (optional)

Import the module in your Hugo config:

    - path:

Tell Hugo to generate robots.txt by adding this line to your Hugo config:

enableRobotsTXT: true

API options

By default, the module uses the "AI Data Scraper" category. The API supports more categories that you can request by adding them to your Hugo config:

    - AI Assistant
    - AI Data Scraper
    - AI Search Crawler

Customizing robots.txt

You can override the template provided by this module and use a partial to add the rules after your custom directives. Add layouts/robots.txt to the root of your Hugo site and import the partial inside robots.txt:

{{ partial "dark-visitors.html" . }}

Add your custom directives before or after the partial.

Reducing API calls

Here are two methods for reducing API calls in Hugo:

  1. Hugo's file cache (see Configure file caches)
  2. Only import the module on production builds (see Configuration directory and Issue #1)