lkistler / baitSTR_type

Script for use with the baitSTR pipeline.
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Script for use with the baitSTR pipeline.

Provide "blocks" fasta file from the extend_STR_reads script (BaitSTR), and this companion script uses lobSTR and/or BWA to prepare reference sequence files and align one or more sample datasets. Optionally, you can also generate probe sequences. You may ONLY use the BaitSTR output blocks as reference sequences for this script, as the fasta headers contain critical information.


perl --stem [stem] --index_prefix [index_prefix] [options]

Sample usage:

perl --stem my_run --full --index --target Blocks.fasta --index_prefix newIndexPrefix \
--r1 reads.r1.sample1.fastq,sample1 reads.r1.sample2.fastq,sample2 \
--r2 reads.r2.sample1.fastq,sample1 reads.r2.sample2.fastq,sample2 \


--index         Create index files (requires --target)
--align         Perform read alignemnt (requires --r1 and --r2, and/or --SR)
--allelotype        Perform allelotype calling (requires --align or --bams)
--design_probes     Produce a fasta file of probes from qualifying input blocks
--full          Do alignment, allelotype, and probe design (full pipeline excluding index)
--mem           Use bwa-mem for alignemnt (uses lobSTR for allelotyping)
--lobSTR        Use lobSTR for alignment (uses lobSTR for allelotyping)
--backtrack     Use bwa-backtrack for alignment DEPRECATED AND NOT RECOMMENDED (skips lobSTR allelotyping and generates non-standard genotype file)

--stem [str]        Prefix for run files (will overwrite without warning)
--index_prefix [str]    Prefix for index files
--target [str]      Fasta file of extended blocks from BaitSTR output

Read files. Sample IDs must be given for each read file, multiple files are allowed per sample ID.
--r1 [str]      Forward reads in format "infile.R1.fastq,sampleID [file2,id2 file3,id3...]", requires --r2 with corresponding sample IDs
--r2 [str]      Reverse reads in format "infile.R2.fastq,sampleID", requires --r1 with corresponding sample IDs
--SR [str]      Unpaired reads in format "infile.fastq,sampleID [file2,id2 file3,id3...]"
--bams [str]        Compatible bam files in format "infile.bam,sampleID [file2,id2 file3,id3...]"

Other options.
--path_to_lobSTR [str]      Full path to lobSTR binaries
--path_to_samtools [str]    Full path to samtools
--path_to_bwa [str]     Full path to BWA
--lob_args [str]        Additional command line arguments for running lobSTR (alignment), in quotes
--allel_args [str]      Additional command line arguments for running allelotype, in quotes
--mem_args [str]        Additional command line arguments for running bwa-mem (alignment), in quotes
--backtrack_args [str]      Additional command line arguments for running bwa-backtrack (alignment), in quotes
--noise [str]           Provide a noise model to use with allelotype (default uses PCR-free noise model)
--samqual [n]           Minimum read alignment quality scores ("samtools view -q [n]"), with mem and backtrack
--gzip              Read files are compressed using gzip (specify for lobSTR)
--fasta             Reads are in fasta format (default fastq; specify for lobSTR)
--minlen [n]            Minimum block length to include in analysis (400)
--flank [n]         Minimum non-repeat flank length in block (200)
--alnflank [n]          Minimum aligned read flank in backtrack only (15)
--probes_per_locus [n]      Number of probes per locus [4]
--probe_length [n]      length of probes [100]
--probe_stagger [n]     Stagger distance between probes [20]
--mincvg [n]            Minimum callable-read coverage in backtrack (5)
--minallele [n]         Minimum callable-reads per allele (2)
--no_rmdup          Do not perform duplicate removal following read alignment
--help              Help screen
--silent            Run silently

Details for running

Each run requires, at a minimum:

--stem [str]: This is the prefix used for all outfiles generated.
--index_prefix [str]: Either a new index prefix or one referring to a previously built index

In addition, choose an alignment strategy:

--mem uses bwa-MEM
--lobSTR uses lobSTR alignment

And choose one or more functions:

--full runs the entire pipeline, aligning reads, calling genotypes (vcf file output), and designing probes
--align just aligns reads
--allelotype just calls genotypes (using lobSTR's "allelotype" function)
--design_probes designs probes

You must either provide an index prefix from a previous run of, or create a new one. To create a new index:

perl --index --index_prefix [newPrefix] --target [blocks.fa] [...]

You can constrain the index to blocks of a minimum overall length (--minlen) or non-repeat flank (--flank).

If using --align or --full, you must provide reads, either paired (--r1 and --r2) or single (--SR).

Fastq read files are provide in a whitespace-separated list of "file,sample1 file,sample2 file,sample3...". You must provide matching --r1 and --r2 files to use paired reads, but you can provide as many read files as you like per sample. For example:

perl --index_prefix [indexPrefix] --align --mem --r1 Tatiana.R1.fastq.gz,Tatiana Oberon.R1.fastq.gz,Oberon --r2 Tatiana.R2.fastq.gz,Tatiana Oberon.R2.fastq.gz,Oberon

If you have previously built an alignment and would like to run allelotype only, provide bam files in the same way:

perl --index_prefix [indexPrefix] --allelotype --mem --bam Tatiana.bam,Tatiana Oberon.bam,Oberon

To use bwa-MEM, you must be using lobSTR v.4. The latest version (4.0.5 at this time) is the best at handling heterozygous calls, and is highly recommended.

SAMtools v 1.2 sometimes struggles with single-read duplicate removal. If you find this to be the case, try v 0.1.19.