lkoepsel / Dashboard

A web-based local dashboard (ESP32 acts as a access point).
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ESP32 Dashboard

Based the ESP32 SoC using the Arduino Framework, Random Nerd Tutorials and the ESP32 examples from Espressif. The most significant difference in this code and what is seen on RNT is that I have setup the following: 1) Extreme modular approach such that there are a great number of small files, instead of a monolithic approach. 2) This dashboard is setup as a soft access point with the ESP32. This means the application will serve up the dashboard locally and doesn't access the internet. 3) Like RNT's example, this dashboard uses the concept of cards, with this approach using one card per file (actually two files card_n.h and card_n.cpp).

Additional information for this project will be on my website:


Notes (YYMMDD)

220331: Added Dallas Semi and OneWire to Card 4

I integrated the code from RNT:DS18B20 Async Web Server into Dashboard. This includes changes to:

220313: Change to makefile

Please see this entry on Wellys for a full explanation. I changed the build approach from a custom Sublime Text build, to a more standardized approach using make. What is NOT included in this repository is a file called env.make:

board = esp32:esp32:featheresp32
port = /dev/cu.usbserial*
build = build

The makefile in the repository will include this file to capture the local environmental variables.

220302: LittleFS Requirements

In order to use LittleFS, you need two things:

  1. Arduino IDE tools to upload data:
  1. Arduino framework tools to use LittleFS in your code

Check all four elements and make sure they exist/or are correct.

220221: LittleFS Utility added

See sample output above. Use serial monitor to gather information about installed files on the ESP32 via LittleFS.

220220: SPIFFS -> LittleFS

Switched from SPIFFS to LittleFS, it appears that LittleFS is faster (2-3x) and more reliable. Haven't confirmed either, however, no issues after switching.

  1. The latest 2.0.2 code has LittleFS capabilities, however, it is critical to spell correctly as shown, LittleFS. It is not LITTLEFS (all-caps). Replaced (already performed) all references from SPIFFS and SPIFFS.h to LittleFS and LittleFS.h.
  2. A new tool is required: Arduino ESP32 filesystem uploader, download the latest, extract and replace esp32fs.jar in the Arduino/tools folder then restart the IDE.
  3. Once IDE is restarted, I found I needed to erase all Flash to get things to work. It is in the dropdown shown when ESP32 Sketch Data Upload is selected, it is at the very bottom. Perform this step then select ESP32 Sketch... and use the LittleFS selection to upload the data folder.
  4. This did simplify the serving of files, note the simplification in home.cpp. I removed all the specific file entries to a single serveStatic command.

    220218: Details on adding Cards

    Here are the detailed steps to adding a new card to the Website. (It doesn't include how to solve formatting issues as when one card is much longer to the one beside it in the row.):

    • server: add an include to the .h file and a "card_n(server);" to the .cpp file
    • processor(optional): add an include to the .h file. Adding the process will depend on the tpe of processor required, I recommend reviewing the code used in RNT or the example you are emulating then incorporate in a similar fashion in processor.cpp
    • Dashboard.ino(optional): if there is code required to setup the sensor or dial (such as PinMode or ledCAttachPin) then add that to the Setup() code. If it needs to be performed on a periodic basis, add an event to loop().
    • card_n: this is the main code for the specific card and provides specifically what code is required for the code to display on index.html. I recommend you look at the existing cards, duplicate one that is closest and go from there. Remember to add the declaration code to card_n.h.
    • data/index.html: each card requires a card section, similar to card_n, find one that is similar...
    • data/script.js(optional): if the sensor or dial requires an event, you will need to add javascript code to manage it in the script.js file.

      220217: Using canvas-gauges

      The canvas-gauges library is great for embedded projects. There are two files which are not in the git folder and are not tracked, gauge.min.js and Both of these files are in the root directory of the canvas-gauges release. Download the latest from github, extract the folder and copy the two files in to the data folder.