lkoepsel / I2C

Exploring the Pico and multiple I2C interfaces
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I2C - Arduino, Pico and I2C


This repository contains the coding examples used to understand the I2C Wire/Wire1 interfaces on the Pi Pico.

Pico Sketches, Recommended for Use:


Simple blink sketch to test the setup of the Arduino IDE, Pico and computer. This specific sketch blinks two pins using a non-blocking approach.


On boot, will scan all 10 of the I2C pairs for I2C devices. It will respond with the Wire instance used (Wire or Wire1), the SDA/SCL pins as well as the addresses of the devices found, if any.

Use frequently to confirm your hardward matches your software. Trust me, it doesn't. :)


An example sketch which uses 4 pin pairs to demonstrate creating multiple Wire/Wire1 instances. For this example, the temperature sensor uses Wire and the display uses Wire1, one could easily have both the temp sensor and display on the same I2C (Wire) interface, which means you could have up to 10 pairs of temp/sensor displays at once.

Possible Errors

While attempting to upload code to a Pico, you get this error:

Error opening serial port '/dev/cu.usbmodem3101'.

Be sure to press the Boot/Sel button while plugging in a Pi Pico, or press Reset while holding the Boot/Sel button on the Adafruit Feather. This will put the Pico board in the proper state to accept a new program.