llSourcell / deepfakes

This is the code for "DeepFakes" by Siraj Raval on Youtube
967 stars 466 forks source link

Copied code from deepfakes/faceswap? #1

Open jonathandinu opened 6 years ago

jonathandinu commented 6 years ago

Is this repo the same as https://github.com/deepfakes/faceswap? Are there any differences or additions?

vinsis commented 6 years ago

I've noticed this repo owner routinely copying (instead of forking) repos, creating a wrapper around the original code and calling it his own. Posts on reddit/medium called him out for this after which he began to credit the original creators at the bottom of readme. Still not fair IMHO.

Romaine commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I honestly think he just has a habit of downloading as a zip instead of cloning a repo. Zip doesn't support hidden files and thus doesn't package .git files. It's common knowledge that the code isn't original and so he doesn't feel the need? I don't know, I don't come here often but Siraj seems to be a genuine guy in my honest opinion. I'm a Siraj fanboy so I'm gonna keep making excuses. Maybe he doesnt know how to set git remotes? xD somehow. I don't know, maybe its just an extremely bad habit he got into. I don't know how often he does this so...

TL;DR IDK we'll just hound him about it from now on... on every repo... and every comment section