This is the code for "How to Convert Text to Images - Intro to Deep Learning #16' by Siraj Raval on YouTube
This weeks coding challenge is to use this code to generate non-bird, non-flower images. Pick a captioned image dataset and train your StackGAN model on it! Post at least one image-text pair you generated in your README. If you want suggestions for a dataset try this or this.
This is the code for this video on Youtube by Siraj Raval as part of the Intro to Deep Learning Nanodegree with Udacity. This model is called StackGAN and this is the code for for reproducing main results in the paper StackGAN: Text to Photo-realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks.
python 2.7
[Optional] Torch is needed, if use the pre-trained char-CNN-RNN text encoder.
[Optional] skip-thought is needed, if use the skip-thought text encoder.
pip install
the following packages:
and Data/flowers/
, respectively.python misc/
python misc/
python stageI/ --cfg stageI/cfg/birds.yml --gpu 0
python stageII/ --cfg stageII/cfg/birds.yml --gpu 1
to flowers.yml
to train a StackGAN model on Oxford-102 dataset using our preprocessed data for flowers.*.yml
files are example configuration files for training/testing our models.Pretrained Model
(Just used the same setting as the char-CNN-RNN. We assume better results can be achieved by playing with the hyper-parameters).Run Demos
sh demo/
to generate flower samples from sentences. The results will be saved to Data/flowers/example_captions/
. (Need to download the char-CNN-RNN text encoder for flowers to models/text_encoder/
. Note: this text encoder is provided by reedscot/icml2016).sh demo/
to generate bird samples from sentences. The results will be saved to Data/birds/example_captions/
.(Need to download the char-CNN-RNN text encoder for birds to models/text_encoder/
. Note: this text encoder is provided by reedscot/icml2016).python demo/ --cfg demo/cfg/birds-skip-thought-demo.yml --gpu 2
to generate bird samples from sentences. The results will be saved to Data/birds/example_captions-skip-thought/
. (Need to download vocabulary for skip-thought vectors to Data/skipthoughts/
).Examples for birds (char-CNN-RNN embeddings), more on youtube:
Examples for flowers (char-CNN-RNN embeddings), more on youtube:
Save your favorite pictures generated by the models since the randomness from noise z and conditioning augmentation makes them creative enough to generate objects with different poses and viewpoints from the same description :smiley:
The credits for this code go to hanzhanggit. I've merely created a wrapper to get people started.