llamapressai / LlamaPress

The LlamaPress Web App
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🦙 LLamaPress

An Open-Sourced SaaS Builder for Non-Technical Builders

Welcome to LLamaPress! LLamaPress combines the power of Ruby on Rails and LLMs. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, LLamaPress empowers you to build customizable software solutions without the usual overhead using Ruby on Rails.

📚 Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Our Vision
  3. Getting Started

Our Vision

LLamaPress is designed for everyone—from the least technical to the most technical user. Our mission is to democratize software development, making it accessible to all.

🌱 Origin Story

LLamaPress was born out of necessity. At our SaaS startup/agency, we faced a common problem: users constantly needed new features and customizations. Each business had unique needs, making support expensive and complex.

To solve this, we integrated a chatbot to assist our free tier of users. As we built LLMs into the chatbot, we realized something incredible: the bot was surprisingly effective, particularly because the underlying code was built on Ruby on Rails. That was our "aha" moment, and LLamaPress was born.

🏁 Current State of Affairs:

We're currently using LLamaPress to build our SaaS and marketing agency, while helping new users build their own software on the platform. Join us on this journey to reshape the future of software development!

We’re excited to see what you’ll create with LLamaPress. Welcome aboard!

🚀 Getting Started

Development Environment Setup

Install homebrew

We need to install homebrew to manage our system dependencies.

Installation instructions: https://brew.sh/

# Install Ruby dependencies
brew install libyaml

# Install Postgres Dependencies
brew install gcc readline zlib curl ossp-uuid icu4c pkg-config openssl

# Install vips (for image processing)
brew install vips

# Install overmind dependencies (process manager)
brew install tmux

Install mise

We use mise to manage our tools.

Installation instructions: https://mise.jdx.dev/getting-started.html

Once installed just run mise install from the root of the project.

First time setup

# Install dependencies (ruby, postgres, node, yarn, redis, etc.)
mise install

# Start postgres
pg_ctl start

# Create the database
rails db:create

# Run the migration
rails db:migrate

# Seed the database with organization and web pages
rails db:seed

# Start the server
rails s

Create config/local_env.yml and set up your llama-bot api keys


LLAMABOT_API_KEY: "sk-<your llama-bot key>"
LLAMABOT_API_URL: "<your llama-bot url>"

Run the server

Then, visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the app.

Sign into the account

username: kody@llamapress.ai password: 123456

Useful commands

# Postgres:
pg_ctl stop
pg_ctl start
pg_ctl restart