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An app designed to address the 'invisible load' carried by women

Developed by TechTonic Titans

FairPlay LOGO

App overview

FairPlay is an organizational app designed to promote equitable task distribution within households, aiming to ease the disproportionate burden often carried by women. Inspired by the concept of the "invisible load" discussed in Regina F. Lark's TED talk, the app seeks to address the complexities of emotional labor and household management carried by women.

Whether it's stress management, fair task allocation among partners and family members, FairPlay serves as a tool for fostering a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. By facilitating transparent communication and collaboration, our goal is to dismantle stereotypes and promote equality in domestic responsibilities.

Join us in challenging societal norms and empowering individuals to share the load, creating healthier and happier homes one step at a time.


The idea behind FairPlay was sparked by Regina F. Lark's TED talk, Emotional labor and the myth of "women's work" by Regina F. Lark | TEDxFolsom, shedding light on women's unseen contributions in various aspects of life, particularly household management and motherhood.

View the live project here.

Table of Contents

User Experience

Ideal users

These are just a few examples, but FairPlay is specifically designed for women, but its aim is to be inclusive and adaptable to the diverse needs of users in various life situations.

User stories:

What the user might expect:

  1. Intuitive Navigation: Users can expect a user-friendly interface with straightforward navigation.
  2. Diverse tasks options: The app offers a wide range of tasks catering to various aspects of life management.
  3. Tasks personalization: Users can personalize their mental health journey by setting goals and tracking their progress over time. This feature helps individuals stay motivated and focused on their well-being objectives.

As developers, we expect:

Planning & Design

Agile Development

The development process for this project followed an Agile methodology, emphasizing continuous improvement throughout the development lifecycle. We assigned tasks to each others and this helped us distribute workload efficiently, ensuring clarity on responsibilities.

Project Management: we utilised GitHub Project boards to manage tasks, user stories, and project progression effectively.

Link to the GitHub Project board




Household pages

Household category - Meal ideas

Homepage category - Laundry

Users page

Family page

Colour palettes

colour palette

Due to the app's purpose of allocating and completing tasks, a 'boost' and energising colour palette was chosen. We wanted to create an environment that encourages productivity and a positive mindset, empowering the user to stay focused and motivated.


The font used is Zen Kaku Gothic Antique by Google fonts.

Existing Features



The logo of our app embodies the essence of household organization and teamwork. It features a stylized depiction of a home, symbolizing the household environment and the tasks associated with it. Above the home, hands are joined together, forming a roof-like structure that represents collaboration and teamwork within the household.

Home Symbolism: The home symbolizes the heart of the household, where tasks and responsibilities are managed and organized. It reflects the central focus of our app on helping users streamline their household tasks and routines. Hands as a Roof: The hands forming a roof above the home signify the collective effort and support within the household. They represent the collaborative spirit and teamwork among family members or housemates in accomplishing tasks and maintaining a well-organized home environment.


The logo was used as favicon.


Homepage The homepage serves as the central hub, offering quick access to various sections of the app. It provides an overview of the available features and serves as a starting point for users.

Description of the app in the homepage:

Women still shoulder a disproportionate amount of the housework: the “Invisible Load”, especially mothers, who often have even less time and emotional bandwidth to deal with this burden. FairPlay is here to help alleviate the chores, levitate above them and elevate your relationship with your partner to a new emotional level.

FairPlay is designed as a “partnership tool” rather than a “management tool”. Together with your partner, you both manage and help each other tackle everyday housework as you’re working towards a common goal that you both set yourself, be it a romantic night out at your favourite local restaurant or a cosy night in, cuddled up on the sofa, watching that film you both went to see on your first date.

Functionalities available in the homepage:

Homepage functionalities section


The "Team" section introduces the members of our development team, providing insights into their personalities: Meet the team

General aspects left to implement

Sharing functionality: one outstanding feature to be implemented is the ability to share task progress with other user accounts. This functionality will enhance collaboration and communication among users, allowing for greater transparency and coordination in task management.

Technologies used


Functionality Testing: Each feature and functionality within the app is thoroughly tested to ensure it performs as intended. Tests cover basic user interactions to verify that key features work without errors. Usability Testing: User interfaces and navigation are tested to ensure they are intuitive and easy to use. Feedback is collected to improve user experience and address any usability issues. Device Compatibility: The app is tested across various devices and screen sizes to ensure it functions well universally. Compatibility checks cover both mobile and desktop platforms.


Heroku was used to deploy the site. Here are the steps to deploy:

  1. Log in to Heroku.
  2. Click "Create a new app".
  3. Choose the app name and region.
  4. Click "Create app".
  5. Navigate to the "settings" tab.
  6. "Click "Reveal Config Vars".
  7. Add a configuration variable to Heroku's Settings. The key is PORT and the value is 8000
  8. Scroll down to "Buildpacks".
  9. Click "Add Buildpack".
  10. First, add "python" and click save.
  11. Second, add "nodejs" and click save.


  1. Click the "Code" button in the GitHub repository.
  2. Choose "HTTPS" and copy the URL.
  3. Open the Terminam (in macOS) or Git Bash (in Windows) and navigate to the repository where you would like to locate the cloned repository.
  4. Type "git clone" followed by the copied URL.
  5. Press enter to create the clone.


You can fork this project and make a copy of the original repository in your own GitHub account. In this case, you can view or make changes without affecting the original. To do so:

It should be noted that all changes pushed to the main branch are automatically reflected on the site.


Various sources and tools from the web were used by the team to create the content.

Development team: Kate Llewellyn, James Evans, Clémence Huang, Stefania Frustagli, Douglas Maxton, Julia Karpa