lmc2179 / bayesian_bootstrap

bayesian bootstrapping in python
MIT License
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bayesian-inference bootstrap bootstrap-resampling posterior-distributions posterior-samples python

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bayesian_bootstrap is a package for Bayesian bootstrapping in Python. For an overview of the Bayesian bootstrap, I highly recommend reading Rasmus Bååth's writeup. This Python package is similar to his R package.

This README contains some examples, below. For the documentation of the package's API, see the docs.

This package is on pypi - you can install it with pip install bayesian_bootstrap.

Overview of the bayesian_bootstrap module

This module contains tools for doing approximate bayesian inference using the Bayesian Bootstrap introduced in Rubin's The Bayesian Bootstrap.

It contains the following:

For more information about the function signatures above, see the examples below or the docstrings of each function/class.

One thing that's worth making clear is the interpretation of the parameters of the bayesian_bootstrap, BayesianBootstrapBagging, and bayesian_bootstrap_regression functions, which all do sampling within each bootstrap replication:

Example: Estimating the mean

Let's say that we observe some data points, and we wish to simulate the posterior distribution of their mean.

The following code draws four data points from an exponential distribution:

X = np.random.exponential(7, 4)

Now, we are going to simulate draws from the posterior of the mean. bayesian_bootstrap includes a mean function in the bootstrap module that will do this for you.

The code below performs the simulation and calculates the 95% highest density interval using 10,000 bootstrap replications. It also uses the wonderful seaborn library to visualize the histogram with a Kernel density estimate.

Included for reference in the image is the same dataset used in a classical bootstrap, to illustrate the comparative smoothness of the bayesian version.

from bayesian_bootstrap import mean, highest_density_interval
posterior_samples = mean(X, 10000)
l, r = highest_density_interval(posterior_samples)

plt.title('Bayesian Bootstrap of mean')
sns.distplot(posterior_samples, label='Bayesian Bootstrap Samples')
plt.plot([l, r], [0, 0], linewidth=5.0, marker='o', label='95% HDI')

The above code uses the mean method to simulate the posterior distribution of the mean. However, it is a special (if very common) case, along with var - all other statistics should use the bayesian_bootstrap method. The following code demonstrates doing this for the posterior of the mean:

from bayesian_bootstrap import bayesian_bootstrap
posterior_samples = bayesian_bootstrap(X, np.mean, 10000, 100)


Example: Regression modelling

Let's take another example - fitting a linear regression model. The following code samples a few points in the plane. The mean is y = x, and normally distributed noise is added.

X = np.random.normal(0, 1, 5).reshape(-1, 1)
y = X.reshape(1, -1).reshape(5) + np.random.normal(0, 1, 5)

We build models via bootstrap resampling, creating an ensemble of models via bootstrap aggregating. A BayesianBootstrapBagging wrapper class is available in the library, which is a bayesian analogue to scikit-learn's BaggingRegressor and BaggingClassifer classes.

m = BayesianBootstrapBagging(LinearRegression(), 10000, 1000)
m.fit(X, y)

Once we've got our ensemble trained, we can make interval predictions for new inputs by calculating their HDIs under the ensemble:

X_plot = np.linspace(min(X), max(X))
y_predicted = m.predict(X_plot.reshape(-1, 1))
y_predicted_interval = m.predict_highest_density_interval(X_plot.reshape(-1, 1), 0.05)

plt.scatter(X.reshape(1, -1), y)
plt.plot(X_plot, y_predicted, label='Mean')
plt.plot(X_plot, y_predicted_interval[:,0], label='95% HDI Lower bound')
plt.plot(X_plot, y_predicted_interval[:,1], label='95% HDI Upper bound')
plt.savefig('readme_regression.png', bbox_inches='tight')


Users interested in accessing the base models can do so via the base_models_ attribute of the object.


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Further reading