lmdulick / GatorGoalMate

Mission Statement: We want to create a supportive platform for students to set and accomplish their goals while encouraging others to reach their full potential. We will do this by allowing users to create posts describing their goals and progress while being able to interact with other user’s posts.
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Team Name: Ctrl + Alt + Elite

Team Mission

Problem Statement: Many UF students struggle to stay accountable and motivated in achieving their academic, personal, and fitness goals each semester. Without a supportive community and effective tools to track progress, students often find themselves falling short of their aspirations.

Proposed Solution: GatorGoalMate, a social media website designed specifically for UF students to tackle these challenges head-on, provides a platform where students can set, track, and achieve their goals while fostering rich community involvement that uplifts and motivates peers to reach their full potential.

Stakeholders: UF Students

Unique Approach:

  1. Tailored to UF Students
  2. Accountability through Social Engagement
  3. Tangible Evidence to Track Progress
  4. Dopamine-Rich Social Media Atmosphere

Presentation Link: https://youtu.be/Cqd6nSOu-go

Architectural Design


Necessary Installations

Instructions to Clone and Edit the Project

To Clone the Repository:

git clone https://github.com/lmdulick/GatorGoalMate.git

When you open the project in VS Code, the bottom bar looks like this:


When you click on 'MasterBranch,' you can change the current branch to your own branch (ex. origin/Lauren, origin/Sophia, origin/Simar, origin/Roshan)

This button will pull and push new commits from and to the current branch:


Additionally, you can manually push and pull to and from the repository with a comment in the System Command Prompt (cmd) using git with these commands:

git push origin <branch_name> -m "comment"
git pull origin <branch_name> -m "comment"

To add an entire folder:

git checkout <branch_name>
git add <folder_name>
git commit -m "comment"
git push

*Replace branch_name with the desired branch (ex. MasterBranch, Lauren, Sophia, Simar, Roshan)

Frontend: 'client'

To run the client (Frontend):

cd client
npm start

Backend: 'server'

To run the server (Backend):

cd server
npm run dev