lmingyin / HOI-RT

This is the repo for an open project named detecting human object interactions in real-time
15 stars 3 forks source link
action-detection deep-learning-algorithms human-object-interaction interaction-detection real-time

Detecting Human-Object Interactions in Real-Time

This is the repo for a open project detecting human object interactions in real-time, see more detail on our Tech Report.


  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Test
  4. Train
  5. Validate



GPU: Titan, Titan Black, Titan X, K20, K40, K80, GTX


You should install matlab to validate the training result of HOI-RT. You should install cuda, opencv and cudnn. Then set the 1-3 line of Makefile:



  1. Clone the HOI-RT repository
    Firstly, make a new folder named detection and then
    cd detection && git clone --recursive git@github.com:lmingyin/HOI-RT.git
  2. Build the project
    cd $HOI-RT  && make -j8
  3. Load the trained model
    Load the trained model which has been trained on vcoco and our labeled dataset. And put the model in the detection folder.


After successful installation, now you can test HOI-RT.

cd $HOI-RT/
./darknet detector test cfg/vcoco.data cfg/yolo-vcoco608.cfg ../yolo-vcoco608_80000.weights data/kick.jpg 


Load coco and vcoco datasets

V-COCO dataset builds off MS COCO, please download MS-COCO images and annotations(coco 2014 is enough), make sure all which in a new folder coco, the downloaded extracted image folders like train2014, val2014, test2014 should in the new folder images which under coco, the downloaded extracted annotations like instances_train2014.json, instances_val2014.json should in the new folder annotations which under coco.

  1. Clone V-COCO repository (recursively, so as to include COCO API).
    cd coco
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/s-gupta/v-coco.git 
  2. Pick out annotations from the COCO annotations.
    cd v-coco 
    python script_pick_annotations.py coco-data/annotations  
  3. Build
    cd $VCOCO_DIR/coco/PythonAPI/ && make 
    cd $VCOCO_DIR && make
  4. Show the V-COCO label
    Copy vcoco_show.py from script folder to the folder v-coco and run
    cd v-coco
    python vcoco_show.py
  5. Get more details
    See more V-COCO introduction in V-COCO Repository.

Load our dataset

More training data should be loaded from our dataset1 and our dataset2 , then combine the two folder to RelationDataset and put it under the folder detection.

Generate training labels

  1. Make labels from V-COCO dataset
    Copy vcoco_label.py from script folder to v-coco folder and then
    cd coco && mkdir filelist
    cd v-coco && python vcoco_label.py

    Finally, in folder filelist will generate a file trainVCOCO.txt. And in folder coco will outputs a folder named labels which contain all training labels.

  2. Make labels from our dataset
    Copy voc_relation_label.py from the script folder to the detection folder, and then
    cd detection && python voc_relation_label.py

    Finally, trainOurs.txt will be generated in current folder, and training labels will be generated in every action folder in RelationDataset.

Merge two training labels

Copy trainOurs.txt to the folder filelist. And then

   cd filelist && cat trainVCOCO.txt trainOurs.txt > train.txt

Load the pretrained model

Load the pretrained model, and put it in the detection folder

Train the model

Before training, you should set cfg/vcoco.data

train = Your_Path/coco/filelist/train.txt

then use the following command to train the model

cd ROI-RT/
make clean && make -j8
./darknet detector train cfg/vcoco.data cfg/yolo-vcoco608.cfg ../darknet19_448.conv.23 


Validate action detection on APagent

  1. Generate the test labels
    Copy vcoco_test_action.py from the script folder to v-coco folder, and then
    cd v-coco
    python vcoco_test_action.py

    You will get a folder vcoco_action_valid. Put it in the detection folder.

  2. Validate the model on action detection
    cd HOI-RT/cfg/

    open vcoco.data and set

    valid = Your_Path/coco/filelist/vcoco_test.txt
    eval = 

    and then validate the model

    cd HOI-RT/
    ./darknet detector valid cfg/vcoco.data cfg/yolo-vcoco608.cfg backup/yolo-vcoco608_80000.weights

    in the current folder a folder results will be generated, you should put it in the folder vcoco_action_valid, and then

    cd HOI-RT/matlab

    run the script validate_action.m, you will get the APagent for every action.

Validate relation detection on AProle

  1. Generate the test labels
    Copy vcoco_test_relation.py from the script folder to v-coco folder, and then
    python vcoco_test_relation.py

    A folder vcoco_relation_valid will be generated, and put it in the folder detection.

  2. Validate the model on relation detection
    cd HOI-RT/cfg/

    open vcoco.data and set

    valid = Your_Path/coco/filelist/vcoco_test.txt
    eval = relation

    and then validate the model

    cd HOI-RT/
    ./darknet detector valid cfg/vcoco.data cfg/yolo-vcoco608.cfg backup/yolo-vcoco608_80000.weights

    in current folder a folder results will be generated, you should put it in the folder vcoco_relation_valid

    cd HOI-RT/matlab

    run the script validate_relation.m, you will get the AProle for every action.