lmiphay / gentoo.overlay

lmiphay gentoo overlay
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lmiphay gentoo overlay

This overlay can be used to install these applications:

The overlay also contains ebuilds I have either created or updated from various sources.

Browsing the Overlay

See http://gentoo-overlays.zugaina.org/lmiphay/ for an overview of the available ebuilds.

Browse the overlay here: http://gpo.zugaina.org/Overlays/lmiphay/

Adding the Overlay

This overlay is in layman, you can add this overlay by:

layman -L && layman -a lmiphay

A copy of the overlay with metadata is available here: https://github.com/gentoo-mirror/lmiphay

Alternative Overlay Setup

The overlay can be also added by either:

layman -f -a lmiphay -o 'https://gitweb.gentoo.org/user/lmiphay.git/plain/gentoo-overlay.xml'


layman -f -a lmiphay -o 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lmiphay/gentoo.overlay/master/overlay.xml'

These steps were required prior to the overlay being in layman.

gentoo proxy-maintained packages