BlockParty 2 is an extension for Minecraft Servers, built with the Spigot/Bukkit API.
Download the jar file and place it into your plugins folder. A new folder is created (named BlockParty) after the server is started. A few file and sub-folders should be located there.
# BlockParty configuration
# Locale file located in plugins/BlockParty/Locale/*.yml
LocaleFileName: locale_en.yml
# Saves all data on plugin shutdown. Not necessary
SaveOnDisable: false
# Disables listed sub commands, example:
# DisabledSubCommands: ["help", "reload", "join"]
DisabledSubCommands: []
# Enables command shortcuts
# Command shortcuts: /start <arenaName> - /stop
EnableCommandShortcuts: false
# Chat format when in arena
# Placeholders:
# %ARENA%: Arena player is in
# %NAME%: Player name without formatting (e.g. rank, colors)
# %DISPLAY%: Name with formatting
# %MESSAGE%: Message sent
ArenaChatFormat: "&8[&7%ARENA%&8] &7%DISPLAY% &8> &r%MESSAGE%"
# Separates normal from arena chat
# Useful for non-bungee servers
ArenaPrivateChat: True
# How to use join signs:
# Line 1: [BlockParty]
# Line 2: Arena name (case sensitive)
# Enable join signs
Enabled: True
# Update signs every x milliseconds
UpdateMillis: 1000
1: "&4[Off-%ARENA%]"
2: "Not available"
4: "&4• Stopped •"
1: "&5[Join-%ARENA%]"
2: "Voting..."
4: "&5• Lobby •"
1: "&4[Full-%ARENA%]"
2: "Voting..."
4: "&5• Lobby •"
1: "&8[Ingame-%ARENA%]"
2: "%ALIVE% players alive"
4: "&8• Ingame •"
2: "&8&lLobby"
3: "&8&lrestarting..."
# When set to "True", players will automatically connect to DefaultArena (see below)
# and will be kicked from the server when leaving the arena.
# This is mostly useful for BungeeCord servers
Enabled: False
# Arena players will connect to when BungeeCord is enabled. Please note the spelling and case sensitivity
DefaultArena: Arena
# When "True", music playback in browser will be activated. You will need a web server for this
Enabled: False
# Available libraries: "websocket", "jetty", "tcp/ip", "mcjukebox"
WebSocketLibrary: jetty
# Web server port (Not Minecraft server port!)
Port: 8080
# Use "MySQL" to enable MySQL, "SQL" to store data locally
Method: SQL
# Tables will have this prefix in front of the name
TablePrefix: "bp_"
# File to save database to when using SQL
FileName: "database.db"
# MySQL credentials
Host: localhost
Port: 3306
Database: database
Username: username
Password: password
# End of configuration
Thats it for the arena setup. To customize your arena, use ingame commands or head to the \plugins/BlockParty/Arenas/
folder. Here you can find an example arena config:
In BlockParty we are using our own format to save block data. We are making use of the Run-length encoding to keep the file as small as possible. You can create your own floors, save and use them.
folderUsePatternFloors: true
in your arena configThis is a basic tutorial on how to set up the build in web player.
Enable the web player
# When "True", music playback in browser will be activated. You will need a web server for this
Enabled: True
WebSocketLibrary: jetty
Port: 8080
#### Adding songs
Add songs to your web player songs folder
Add songs to your arena
Enable the use of web player songs
UseWebSongs: true
is set to true in your arena configYou can also use signs to let players join to the arena. Your sign should look something like this:
Line | Text |
1 | [BlockParty] |
2 | \ |
3 | |
4 |
Head over to your config.yml in the plugins/BlockParty/
folder. You can edit the used text that is displayed on the sign right there.