lms-07 / CVSSN

[TCSVT 2022] Official implementation for 'Exploring the Relationship between Center and Neighborhoods: Central Vector Oriented Self-Similarity Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification'
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efficient-spectral-spatial-feature-learning hyperspectral-image-analysis hyperspectral-image-classification remote-sensing-image self-similarity spectral-spatial-information-fusion





[TCSVT 2022] Exploring the Relationship between Center and Neighborhoods: Central Vector Oriented Self-Similarity Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification

Mingsong Li, Yikun Liu, Guangkuo Xue, Yuwen Huang, and Gongping Yang

Time Lab, SDU

This repository is the official implementation of our paper: Exploring the Relationship between Center and Neighborhoods: Central Vector Oriented Self-Similarity Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT) 2022.


  1. Brief Introduction
  2. Environment
  3. Data Sets and File Hierarchy
  4. Implementations of Compared Methods
  5. Citation
  6. License and Acknowledgement

Brief Introduction

To mine the spectral-spatial information of target pixel in hyperspectral image classification (HSIC), convolutional neural network (CNN)-based models widely adopt patch-based input pattern, where a patch represents its central pixel and the neighbor pixels play auxiliary roles in the classification process. However, compared to the central pixel, its neighbor pixels often have different contributions for classification. Although many existing patch-based CNNs could adaptively emphasize the spatial neighbor information, most of them ignore the latent relationship between the center pixel and its neighbor pixels. Moreover, efficient spectral-spatial feature extraction has been a difficult yet vital topic for HSIC. To address the mentioned problems, a central vector oriented self-similarity network (CVSSN) is proposed for HSIC. Specifically, based on two similarity measures, we firstly design an adaptive weight addition based spectral vector self-similarity module (AWA-SVSS) in input space and a Euclidean distance based feature vector self-similarity module (ED-FVSS) in feature space to fully mine the central vector oriented spatial relationships. Besides, a spectral-spatial information fusion module (SSIF) is formulated as a new pattern to fuse the central 1D spectral vector and the corresponding 3D patch for efficient spectral-spatial feature learning of the subsequent modules. Moreover, we implement a channel spatial separation convolution module (CSS-Conv) and a scale information complementary convolution module (SIC-Conv) for efficient spectral-spatial feature learning. Extensive experimental results on four popular HSI data sets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method compared with other state-of-the-art methods. The source code is available at https://github.com/lms-07/CVSSN.

CVSSN Framework
AWA-SVSS Module ED-FVSS Module


Data Sets and File Hierarchy

Four popular HSI data sets are adopted in our experiments, i.e., Indian Pines (IP), Kennedy Space Center (KSC), University of Pavia (UP), and University of Houston 13 (UH). The first three data sets could be accessed through link1, and the UH data set through link2. Our project is organized as follows:

|-- process_xxx     // main files 1) cls for two classic methods 2) dl for eight dl
|                      based methods 3) disjoint for the disjoint dataset (UH)
|-- data                    
|   |-- IP
|   |   |-- Indian_pines_corrected.mat
|   |   |-- Indian_pines_gt.mat
|   |-- KSC
|   |   |-- KSC.mat
|   |   |-- KSC_gt.mat
|   |-- UP
|   |   |-- PaviaU.mat
|   |   |-- PaviaU_gt.mat
|   |-- HU13_tif
|   |   |--Houston13_data.mat
|   |   |--Houston13_gt_train.mat
|   |   |--Houston13_gt_test.mat
|-- model           // seven dl based compared methods and our proposed method
|-- output
|   |-- cls_maps    // classification map visualizations 
|   |-- results     // classification result files
|-- src             // source files
|-- utils           // data loading, processing, and evaluating
|-- visual          // cls maps visual

Implementations of Compared Methods

For comparisons, our codebase also includes related compared methods.


Please kindly cite our work if this work is helpful for your research.

[1] M. Li, Y. Liu, G. Xue, Y. Huang and G. Yang, "Exploring the Relationship Between Center and Neighborhoods: Central Vector Oriented Self-Similarity Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 1979-1993, April 2023.

BibTex entry:

   title={Exploring the Relationship between Center and Neighborhoods: Central Vector Oriented Self-Similarity Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification},
   author={Li, Mingsong and Liu, Yikun and Xue, Guangkuo and Huang, Yuwen and Yang, Gongping},
   journal={IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology},

Contact information

If you have any problem, please do not hesitate to contact us msli@mail.sdu.edu.cn.

License and Acknowledgement

This project is released under GPLv3 license.