lnnrtwttkhn / bookdown-playground

In this repo I play around with bookdown and Travis CI
MIT License
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Bookdown Playground

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In this repo I experiment with DataLad, R Bookdown, and Travis CI.

The goal is to automatically deploy an R Bookdown page on GitHub pages via Travis CI.

The repo website should be available here: https://lennartwittkuhn.com/bookdown-playground/

The repo is a DataLad dataset (initialized with -c text2git) which is not really crucial because most relevant files are under git and not git-annex control. However, if I later want to work with files under git-annex control this aspect might gain more relevance.


Interestingly, at least one main heading (in Markdown) using # is needed to create an index.html which in turn is need to properly display the website.

So, you need to, at least, have something like this in your index.Rmd:

# Main heading

Blah blah blah




MIT license