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⚡️MOAR lightning community node.js talks! ⚡️ #119

Closed admataz closed 6 years ago

admataz commented 6 years ago

We loved it last month when people stood up with ad hoc talks, tips and tool walkthroughs. Much fun and entertainment all round. (If you missed it - check all last month's videos here)

This month it's your turn. For 3-8 minutes, the mic is yours. Add your name and topic as a comment in this issue. Or turn up on the night and we will try fit you in...

Also, as usual: community announcements, open source projects, job hunters and offers will have a chance on the mic.

forbesmyester commented 6 years ago

Would like to introduce my project binary-repository and solicit contributions / talk briefly about the components yargs, GPG, BASH(!), AWS S3, AWS CLI(!) etc and what I have learnt using them.

Can we have slides (even if only web hosted ones)?

admataz commented 6 years ago

Thanks @forbesmyester - sounds great! Sure slides are good - even better if they are online and you can take over the host's laptop and we don't need to fiddle with display connections

admataz commented 6 years ago

Thanks all https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLam_80-FY3vSlu5Wg0psgn-zivPc1IDXx