lnug / speakers

Open an issue to submit a talk
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lnug speakers talk-proposal

LNUG Talks

A repo for organising talk proposals and discussing talks with speakers

Talk Format

Some loose talk guidelines

First time speakers

How? Simply add a comment below your talk proposal (the github issue) that you're looking for some advice when you submit a talk.


Its simple. Open an issue to submit a talk.

Please structure the issue as following:

If you are looking for feedback on your talk or have additional question, reply to your issue with extra comments stating your questions but please keep them off the body of the original issue text itself

Please conform to the issue structure so that we can use the api to automate some of the event admin.


Code of conduct:

LNUG has a code of conduct that speakers as well as attendees are expected to observe - please be sure to read it and comply with it in your participation with LNUG

After the event

Please tweet a url to your slides and put the link in your proposal as a comment.

Thanks, <3 LNUGorg team

Gitter chat