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Serverless architectural patterns #123

Closed theburningmonk closed 6 years ago

theburningmonk commented 6 years ago

Abstract: Serverless technologies like AWS Lambda has drastically simplified the task of building reactive systems - drop a file into S3 and a Lambda function would be triggered to process it, push an event into a Kinesis stream and magically it'll be processed by a Lambda function in real-time, you can even use Lambda to automate the process of auditing and securing your account by automatically reacting to rule violations to your security policy.

Join us in this talk to see some architectural design patterns that have emerged with Lambda, and how to pick the right event source based on the tradeoffs you want. Here are a few patterns that we'll cover in the talk: pub-sub, cron, push-pull, saga and decoupled invocation.

About me: Yan (@theburningmonk) is a polyglot developer and architect, he is a regular speaker at user groups and conferences internationally. Yan is the author of AWS Lambda in Motion, a co-author of F# Deep Dives, and he keeps an active blog at http://theburningmonk.com where he shares his thoughts on topics such as AWS, serverless, functional programming and chaos engineering.

theburningmonk commented 6 years ago

on second thought, this might be a push too far from the node.js/js focus for your group