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I'm a Node Module Maintainer (And so can you!) #13

Closed basicallydan closed 9 years ago

basicallydan commented 9 years ago

This is an idea for a fairly simple sort of tutorial on creating, releasing, maintaining, versioning, getting input for, etc, etc an open-source node module. Including:

Just to show that I have at least some of the experience necessary for this, I currently am actively maintaining two packages and I've put a couple of others onto NPM: https://www.npmjs.org/~basicallydan and I've picked up a few things along the way.

If this sounds like it's too simple for LNUG, please let me know - I've only been to one event so far, and it seems to me like there's a fairly wide variety of experience levels at the usergroup so I'm sure some people would benefit.


Preferred Month: February 2015

orliesaurus commented 9 years ago

We welcome talk aimed at all levels :)

basicallydan commented 9 years ago

@orliesaurus Cool :) So, any thoughts? Useful? Not useful? Needs more work?

orliesaurus commented 9 years ago

As an audience person I m expecting:

basicallydan commented 9 years ago

That's pretty much what I had in mind. Though the first bit might be a bit more of a tutorial in this sort of format:

  1. You have a great node module you wanna share with the world!
  2. I show you some good node-style API tips (e.g. expose a CLI and a JS API)
  3. I show you how to publish it
  4. Some ideas on how to keep it up to date and how to interact with your community
  5. How to make sure new versions are properly published

Numbers 3-5 will include cheatsheet style things :)

--Dan danhough.com http://www.danhough.com - @basicallydan http://twitter.com/basicallydan

On 24 October 2014 18:08, orliesaurus notifications@github.com wrote:

As an audience person I m expecting:

  • Comparison of good vs bad practices
  • cheat sheet style tips style with exmaples ?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/lnug/speak/issues/13#issuecomment-60418531.

admataz commented 9 years ago

sounds good to me - this stuff is so important and it's great to have a checklist and guidance - add some opinion, a war story and a joke or two andI think you have us a good talk .

iancrowther commented 9 years ago


basicallydan commented 9 years ago

@admataz Good advice, thanks! I guarantee you it'll be at least a bit opinionated, hard to avoid with a subject like this!

I'll get to work asap and try it out on some housemates. Cheers chaps!

orliesaurus commented 9 years ago

25th it is!

basicallydan commented 9 years ago

Hey @orliesaurus, @iancrowther, @admataz I've put the slides up here: http://basicallydan.github.io/node-maintainer-talk

If you happen to have the time and inclination to have a look before tomorrow I'd be very grateful, but no pressure of course. Quick summary:

  1. Inclusive code - target everyone (JavaScript specific)
  2. The art of a good README (open-source in general, but a bit of JS-specific stuff)
  3. The importance of dependency management (JS-specific)
  4. Good versioning for Node (JS-specific, but relevant to OSS in general)
  5. Pre-publish checklist - npm test, npm shrinkwrap, npm version and npm publish (JS-specific)
  6. Interacting with your community (OSS in general)

Naturally it's a bit late to make any drastic changes, but if you have any thoughts I'd appreciate it. Thank you :)

jkbits1 commented 9 years ago

@basicallydan I'm not on your list :smile:, (and usually I'm commenting from a slightly different perspective) but the slides look good (and are very useful for me at the moment). Looking forward to your talk.

admataz commented 9 years ago

Hi @basicallydan - I've had a read through - and I really like the approach to the topic, and the content you've covered. I wouldn't change a thing about that. Very relevant and useful.

My 2p on the actual presentation - this is not essential, but if you can find the time to reduce the text in your slides to a single one or two points per slide (the main heading, basically) - and leave the detailed text to what you say verbally - I think it will make your talk stronger. Your audience attention won't be in a competition in keeping up with what you're saying, and what you've written and displayed. And if they are just reading along with what you are saying, their attention could drift . Keep that detail as a script for your own reference while you speak, and let your personality come through in the presentation/talk. If you want to provide the written detail/transcript, I'd say make it available as a gist/blog entry or something.

Looking forward to hearing it!

basicallydan commented 9 years ago

@jkbits1 Haha sorry dude, didn't see you there! Thanks for the feedback though, that's great!

@admataz Fantastic feedback - thanks! Some of the slides are a bit wordy, I agree. You should've seen them before I cut them down already! If you think it's still too wordy though that's good enough for me, I'll see what I can do at lunchtime tomorrow.

In case you're curious, look in the repo at my notes - while a bit out of date, this is what I'm using as my "detail", and coincidentally, as I was writing it, it felt like it could be a blog post so maybe I'll do that.

Anyway, thanks. Should be an excellent slide deck by tomorrow night!

rosskukulinski commented 9 years ago

@basicallydan love it! (and I agree with @admataz's points)