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A Hobbyist’s Quest for a Personal Server #135

Closed salmanff closed 6 years ago

salmanff commented 6 years ago

How easy is it for a non-techie lay-person to set up a personal server and have their own apps running on it?

There's been much talk recently about how large companies host our data, control it, and sell ads against it. But what if we all had our own servers with our own applications running on them holding our data which we control?

Is that doable today, using existing cloud services and node.js? What does it take? How easy is it?

For the past few years, I've been running my personal node.js-based server on AWS, Google Cloud, Openshift and Heroku, using mlabs and Mongo, as well as Dropbox!

So I'll talk about what it takes for a non-techie (or at least a newbie) to set up a node.js server using each of those environments - the pluses and minuses of each ... and why doing this would be a good thing in general.

About me: I am clean tech entrepreneur (@zemenergy.com) and VC executive (@top-funds.com). I code for fun. See http://freezr.info twitter:salmanff github:salmanff

admataz commented 6 years ago

Hi @salmanff This is great! - I'd love to hear a talk on this angle of self-publication with node.js - I think this accessible aspect of javascript and node is often overlooked - and we are all big supporters of indy publishing.

How is May 23rd for you? (or June 27th)

@lnug/organisers - can I get a seconder in support of this talk - and any thoughts?

MattJLeach commented 6 years ago

I second this talk idea @admataz @salmanff

For years PHP hosting has been really easy with the huge array of choices of shared hosting, etc and a lot of newbies to NodeJS can find it a big change when choosing how to host their JS projects. I'm sure this talk would be very well received.

salmanff commented 6 years ago

Thanks very much @admataz @MattJLeach . I don't live in London, but will be there next week, so to the extent there is still a slot available on April 25th, that would be very convenient for me.

admataz commented 6 years ago

@salmanff - you're in luck! I've chatted with one of the other speakers and he doesn't mind swapping - so consider yourself scheduled for April 25th! A couple small things we need to confirm:

Let me know if you need anything you need - otherwise see you on the 25th April.

Note: we are hosting at a new venue this month and I'll need you to add your details to meetup and to RSVP so we can add you to the list and get you in the door!

salmanff commented 6 years ago

Thanks very much @admataz ( and thanks @erankeren ). Looking forward. Will plan for 20 minute talk and agree to the code of conduct. (I will need wifi.)

admataz commented 6 years ago

this needs to remain open until we are done! (reason is we read from your talk description to publish the details to our website)

admataz commented 6 years ago

Hi @salmanff Just confirming you're all good for Wednesday?

I have confirmed guest wifi will be available.

The venue is: Conde Nast Adelphi Building, 1-10 John Adam St Level 9 · London The nearest Tube stations are Embankment and Charing Cross

I will be there from about 6pm to get things set up - your name will be at security. If you arrive before me please ask for Michelle Garret.

See you there!

salmanff commented 6 years ago

thanks @admataz. Yes, all set, and looking forward to it. Thanks for the wifi. See you there.

admataz commented 6 years ago

Hi @salmanff - thanks again for your talk - it was a fun night and your talk was great - thanks for your contribution.

Videos are now live: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLam_80-FY3vTu3eOUOavEepvDLHVAy_sZ

Speak soon!