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Build APIs with node, Lambda & Serverless #153

Closed errietta closed 5 years ago

errietta commented 5 years ago

AWS lambda allows you to build microservices that can be triggered both through HTTP and other ways such as when something is added to a queue, or on a schedule. We'll show how it is possible to build an API which consists of small, individual functions that respond to different HTTP requests using AWS lambda and API gateway. In addition to this, we will be deploying using serverless within minutes!

About me

Polyglot developer with a passion for learning new things.

errietta commented 5 years ago

@admataz I had a go at a better description, can you take a look?

admataz commented 5 years ago

Hi @errietta - thank you for the updated proposal - this is sounding more like it - and I think has a better shape and focus. I'd be interested to hear about how AWS Lambda is the right pattern for what you are doing and any practical advice you can give developers not familiar with it.

@lnug/contributors @lnug/organisers - any helpful feedback or thoughts?

How are you for the January 23rd or February 27th meetup?
we're asking speakers to confirm:

errietta commented 5 years ago

Hey thanks for the feedback! January would be great 😄 (and it's late enough that people should be over the NYE hangover)

I confirm: [x] Talk will be ~20 minutes [x] You agree to our Code of Conduct

errietta commented 5 years ago

So, can I do Jan 23rd?

admataz commented 5 years ago

sure - confirmed

admataz commented 5 years ago

Hi @errietta - Happy New Year - I hope all is well with you?

Just confirming - How are things looking for your talk on Wednesday? All good?

admataz commented 5 years ago

I know you know them - but here are the details of the venue:


I will be there from about 6pm - people start arriving around 6:30 and we plan to start with the other speaker's talk at 7pm - and have you on for after the interval

If you have any issues - please call me: 07757234443

See you there!

errietta commented 5 years ago

@admataz yes all good! See you there!

errietta commented 5 years ago

@admataz btw 2 of my colleagues would like to come but they were too late and are on the waitlist, is it ok to sort of +1? If not it's ok, don't want to be skipping the queue

admataz commented 5 years ago

hi @errietta. That's fine - please get them to sign up on meetup - and let me know the names. I will add them to the "going" list.

errietta commented 5 years ago

@admataz best way to send you the name privately?

admataz commented 5 years ago

you can email me adam@admataz.com

admataz commented 5 years ago

Hi @errietta - thanks a lot for your talk - it went very well and I've had lots of good feedback. People really enjoyed it. If you have any feedback for us as organisers, please let me know... See you at the next Meetup!

The video of your talk is now live: https://youtu.be/ViBWbgtUX5A

errietta commented 5 years ago

Thanks, it was great, and thanks for having the video up so quickly!