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Async Iterators #156

Closed jamiemccrindle closed 5 years ago

jamiemccrindle commented 5 years ago


An exploration of async iterators in NodeJS including when and why to use them, how they compare to other reactive libraries, how they perform and what to look out for when you do use them.

About me

JavaScript enthusiast, Open Source Contributor, Co-founder of a number of successful startups, OpenBankHack17 hackathon winner, Head of Technology for Business Banking at Investec. You can find me at https://jamie.mccrindle.org

admataz commented 5 years ago

Hey @jamiemccrindle - thanks for submitting your talk proposal here...

This sounds good! - I think a view on async iterators and how they can be useful will be a good talk.

@lnug/contributors @lnug/organisers - can we get a seconder and provide any thoughts/feedback?

admataz commented 5 years ago

@jamiemccrindle - how are you for January 23rd or February 27th?

jamiemccrindle commented 5 years ago

February the 27th, please!

orliesaurus commented 5 years ago

Hey - Is this talk ready or do you still have to write the slides? IMHO for this kind of topic having the slides ahead would help a lot to review the submission and it would help us schedule it in a "wider" theme for the night, which could as well be Asynchronous programming

jamiemccrindle commented 5 years ago


I have the slides. I may tweak them to have more nodejs and keep to the time but you’ll get the idea:


orliesaurus commented 5 years ago

Alright thanks for sharing, yeah you're right about need a little more nodejs examples!

admataz commented 5 years ago

Hey @jamiemccrindle - you're on for Feb! seems a long way away - but I'm sure it will be upon us before we know it!

admataz commented 5 years ago

Hi @jamiemccrindle - it's today!

Just confirming - How are things looking for your talk? All good?

details of the venue:


I will be there from about 6:15pm getting a few things set up - people start arriving around 6:30 and we plan to start with talks after a brief intro and welcome at 7pm

If you have any issues - please call me: 07757234443

See you there!

jamiemccrindle commented 5 years ago

@admataz I confirm that things are looking good for my talk! Looking forward to seeing you there.

admataz commented 5 years ago

Hey @jamiemccrindle Thanks so much for your talk at LNUG the other week The video is at last online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN9HQoYW2vc&index=1&list=PLam_80-FY3vSjatQNzSPQhBAb_hrSlWJk

If you have any feedback around the event or organisation - please let us know!

Hopefully see you again at LNUG soon!