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Testing apps with third-party API integrations #160

Closed mikesol closed 5 years ago

mikesol commented 5 years ago

Testing apps with third-party API integrations

In this talk we will examine strategies and best practices to develop and test node apps that make heavy use of third-party API integrations. As reliance on third-party services becomes more and more prevalent in the node ecosystem, developers need cost-effective, secure, reliable and fast ways to mock these services for both dev/staging environments and testing.

We will start with looking at nock, and open-source mocking solution for local development, and move onto unmock which provides mocks-as-a-service of popular APIs.

The session will have live coding for both nock and unmock using express to create a simple microservice and jest for testing. It will also present several popular design patterns for isolating and testing third-party integrations as well as strategies for integration testing apps that rely on third-party APIs, including corner-case and error testing.

Presenters will be myself (Mike Solomon - unmock.io) and I will invite some of our London-based clients to chime in about the importance of testing third-party integrations and the emerging ecosystem of developer sandbox environments for API testing.

This is the same talk that we are giving at SFNode (https://github.com/sfnode/sfnode/issues/98). We'd love to bring it to your community, share our learnings and hear your feedback.

Bio Mike Solomon is the founder and CEO of Meeshkan (meeshkan.com), a Helsinki-based DevOps company. A music major at Stanford University, Queen's University Belfast and the University of Florida, Mike has been a guest researcher at the University of Paris VI and has held the post of artistic director of the Ensemble 101 (ensemble101.fr) from 2011 until the present day. While working at the IRCAM as a computer music designer, he fell in love with Machine Learning and founded Meeshkan to ease several DevOps pain points in the ML pipeline. Since then, Meeshkan has expanded to other areas of DevOps, including API testing with unmock (unmock.io).

admataz commented 5 years ago

Hi @mikesol Yes - I like the sound of this. Mocking services is always a topic that gets people's opinions going - I'd be interested to hear some useful approaches to this and I think with some live demos this could make a really interesting talk. Definitely relevant to a lot of devs workday.

@lnug/contributors - please add your thoughts/opinions/feedback and let's get a seconder for this talk.

A couple things we need to confirm

Otherwise - when are you in London? We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month - February is full, but March 27th, April 24th... into the future?

mikesol commented 5 years ago


March 27th is better for us if that's OK with you guys. Also, do you guys need help with event sponsorship/venue? We have a few partners in London to whom I can reach out.

admataz commented 5 years ago

You're on! - looking forward to it! 🎉

neshka commented 5 years ago

Hi @mikesol,

how are you today?

I just want to confirm if you are ready for Wednesday. Please let me know.

Details of the venue:


I will be there from about 6:15pm, people start arriving around 6:30 and we plan to start with talks after 7pm.

If you have any issues - please call me: 07752387427 or @admataz 07757234443

See you there! Aga

mikesol commented 5 years ago

Doing well, thanks for asking & thanks for the details. Everything looks good!

One question: a friend of mine in London, Bill Earner, would like to attend the meetup. Is it OK if he comes?

neshka commented 5 years ago


yes sure! We will put his name on the list.

See you on Wednesday! Aga

neshka commented 5 years ago

Hi @mikesol

Thank you for your speech today! I will send you the link when video is ready.

In touch :)

mikesol commented 5 years ago

Thanks so much for having me!

admataz commented 5 years ago

Hi @mikesol - I've at last managed to upload the videos from last month's meetup - you can see them here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLam_80-FY3vQKYb5bC1gzH1384eds6-IQ

Thanks again for the talk - please let us know if you have any feedback from an organisational point of view - and hopefully see you back at an LNUG meetup soon!

(closing this issue - but feel free to add comments if you have any)