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Preoccupy the user's tab #164

Closed iketari closed 4 years ago

iketari commented 5 years ago

Remote desktop apps are widely used. All of them work pretty much the same way: you can see the user's desktop and control their mouse and keyboard. And one of the main purposes of using them is providing support to users. Assuming you are not Microsoft or RedHat probably you are interested only in resolving issues which are related to that piece of software that had been delivered by you. E.g. your web application.

But what if you can't obligate your users to install additional software only for support purposes? Or they simply don't want to install anything.

I'm going to talk about how to add a remote control functionality to your web apps using pure JavaScript and native browser APIs.

SPOILER: Even without using browser extensions!

About me: I am a Senior Frontend Engineer at Behavox. I have almost 10 years of experience in JavaScript development behind my back. Originally I am from Minsk, Belarus. For now, working for a very promising AI company in London. And the topic of this talk is inspired by the real issue which we resolved recently.

You can find more about me on LinkedIn.

admataz commented 5 years ago

Hi @iketari - thank you for your talk proposal - it sounds interesting.

Could you add something to your talk description that gives it some relevance to our attendees and an audience that will be interested in the application of node.js and associated technologies (assuming the app you have created uses node.js, if it doesn't, I'm not sure you got the right meetup ;) !). Maybe mention the tech stack - or the relevant architectural choices and hint at why node was the choice.

@lnug/organisers @lnug/contributors - please add your feedback and thoughts to this talk proposal

iketari commented 5 years ago

Hi @admataz ! Great that you have answered!

I attended a couple of previous LNUG meetups and spotted that not every topic relates to node.js, sometimes people talk just about JS. Strictly speaking, the approach that I'm going to introduce doesn't relate to Node.JS, it's more about client-side JS programming and browser APIs.

Is that a problem?

admataz commented 5 years ago

hi @iketari - not necessarily a problem - but I think it's worth keeping it relevant, which is why I ask.

Yes it's true we sometimes have talks that talk about generic features of the javascript language - which is still very relevant to node.js developers - or sometimes complementary technologies like serverless, graphql and webassembly - which are natural extensions of a node.js developer's knowledge base. Less often we will have talks about solutions developed without any connection to node.js or only client side JS.

I'd just like to keep the connection and relevance to our core purpose - if you could illustrate or in your talk demo how this client side tool can be used with a server app written with node.js (simple Fastify, Express or Hapi or something - would do) then I would say that's an excellent connection. But if it relies on something else on the server, like an app running Java or Ruby on the server - my opinion is it's not relevant to LNUG.

I'd really love to hear this talk and see how you've done this - can you make it work with a simple sample app served from a node.js backend?

iketari commented 5 years ago

Hi @admataz ! Seems like we think the same way. One of the parts of this talk is how to share the user's screen. To implement this with the help of web technologies WebRTC looks like the best option.

I can implement at least WebRTC signalling server on node.js and make this talk related to full-stack. What do you think about this?

Actually, it's a good idea! My initial plan was about to demonstrate this functionality locally, but it's much interesting to share my screen with the audience and give someone a chance to participate!

Ankcorn commented 5 years ago

@iketari I think having a having a WebRTC server on node sounds really cool! :) Definitely something i'd like to play around with after the talk.

admataz commented 5 years ago

@iketari - how are you for June 26th?

admataz commented 5 years ago

@iketari - can I confirm you as a speaker for next month? Would like to announce it at tonight's meetup

iketari commented 5 years ago

@admataz I am really sorry for missing your prev message. Yes, looks like June 26th works fine for me.

iketari commented 5 years ago

Hi @admataz! Just letting you know that everything is going on well. I finished the POC and found a breach in Gmail's CSP, let them know but, if they won't come with a fix until our event, I show a tiny trick.

As we agreed I prepared a signaling server which helps with establishing a WebRTC connection but eventually decided to come up with a serverless solution which seems much more elegant (at least for me ;) ).

hewIngram commented 5 years ago

☝️ This sounds awesome @iketari - really looking forward to your talk! See you next Wednesday

iketari commented 5 years ago

I’ll do my best to meet the expectations.

neshka commented 5 years ago

Hi @iketari,

how are you today? :)

I just want to confirm if you are ready for Wednesday. Please let me know.

Details of the venue:


People start arriving around 6:30 and we plan to start with talks after 7pm.

If you have any issues - please call me: 07752387427 or @admataz 07757234443

See you there! Aga

iketari commented 5 years ago

All good. Slides are ready, POC is working. I keep training the speech. :)

Just one thing. My partner wants to come. And for now she is in a waiting list at 13th position. I would much appreciate if it would be possible to secure a place for her.

hewIngram commented 5 years ago

What's your partner's name @iketari ? We can make sure they get moved off the waiting list

msmichellegar commented 5 years ago

👋 Looking forward to this! I'll be hosting you at Condé Nast this Wednesday.

Could you please update the talk description to use gender-neutral language to make it more inclusive?

you can see the user's desktop and control his mouse and keyboard

you can see the user's desktop and control their mouse and keyboard

Thank you kindly, and see you Wednesday :)

hewIngram commented 5 years ago

Thanks @msmichellegar! @admataz I've updated the issue but I fear I have to do some weird netlify magic to rebuild it...

admataz commented 5 years ago

spot on @msmichellegar - apologies all that I didn't pick this up (in all the excitement around the LIVE publishing of our schedule at the last meetup)

@hewIngram - thank you I'll republish the website - we'll have to change meetup manually

iketari commented 5 years ago

Thank you all! My bad. I'll check slides to use their more natural pronouns. https://slides.com/iketari/siezr

neshka commented 5 years ago

Hi @iketari

Hope you are well.

Thank you so much for the talk yesterday! We will send you the video as soon it's ready.

Best, Aga

admataz commented 4 years ago

At last - live on the LNUG youtube channel: https://youtu.be/Cg_psyqJo8I 🎉

iketari commented 4 years ago

Thank you all guys! Hopefully, see you soon!