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Indie Hacking with Postgraphile #170

Closed Ankcorn closed 4 years ago

Ankcorn commented 5 years ago

Sometimes I get jealous of the speed people can build complex apps with things like laravel/rails. Node is a great run time but it is arguably a more complex choice for your tech stack, there is no standout MVC framework that does it all for you, instead, there are lots of small specialised tools. I want to talk about one of those. It’s called Postgraphile. It lets you generate a GraphQL API from a schema in a Postgres database. By writing just a little SQL you can create an application that would take a long time to create normally!

I'm going to show you how you can use it to build a meetup.com clone complete with JWT based authentication, real-time meetup ratings, and role-based access control.

I'm a senior software engineer at Near.st. We are building a real-time local inventory data platform to help small businesses fight back against the growth of online shopping. Outside of work, I'm chasing my life long dream of having a dog, and building silly things with javascript. Follow me on twitter

admataz commented 5 years ago

thanks @Ankcorn! sounds great. Let's talk tomorrow at the meetup about a suitable date

neshka commented 4 years ago

Hey guys, are we scheduling this one for next meetup in July? :) @admataz @Ankcorn

Ankcorn commented 4 years ago

Hey @neshka, August suited me best!

I can make July but am doing a workshop at another event the same week. I want to make sure I have time to prepare for this well! :)

neshka commented 4 years ago

Maybe August then πŸ‘

Ankcorn commented 4 years ago

Perfect! Thank you πŸŽ‰

On Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 10:26 PM Aga notifications@github.com wrote:

Maybe August then πŸ‘

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admataz commented 4 years ago

@Ankcorn : awesome! You are on for August!

Ankcorn commented 4 years ago

Ace! Thanks @admataz

neshka commented 4 years ago

Hi @Ankcorn! :) how are things looking for your talk next week? Ready? πŸ˜„ Let me know please. Aga

Ankcorn commented 4 years ago

Thanks, @neshka. I have a few more things to finish off but I'll be ready πŸ˜„

neshka commented 4 years ago

Hi @Ankcorn! Hope you are well :) Thanks for another interesting talk. Great job!

Ankcorn commented 4 years ago

Thank you ☺️ that was so much fun!

If you need the video let me know

On Thu, 29 Aug 2019, 19:07 Aga, notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi @Ankcorn https://github.com/Ankcorn! Hope you are well :) Thanks for another interesting talk. Great job!

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admataz commented 4 years ago

Hey @Ankcorn ! The video is now on our YouTube Channel! https://youtu.be/dpc16H1D90E

Thanks again so much for your talk.