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⚡️⚡️ Lightning talks #175

Closed hewIngram closed 4 years ago

hewIngram commented 4 years ago

So... we haven't done lightning talks in a while.

Calling all idealists and entrepreneurs, self-starters and enterprise team members... open source maintainers, experimenters, and those just having fun... we want to hear about what you are doing with node.js.

If it's worth your time developing, it's worth sharing.

admataz commented 4 years ago

yes! let's do this - was great fun and quality last time

hewIngram commented 4 years ago

Sweeeeet - how do you want to get people lined up? Shall we tweet out and point people to here?(or another issue for talk ideas)

admataz commented 4 years ago

yes! - let's rewrite your opening comment here with an intro/promo and also use that for the website etc - we can invite and gather interested lightning talks in the comments below - and update the main comment with the confirmed line up.

hewIngram commented 4 years ago

@admataz thanks for dealing with this! I've spent most of the last week holed up in bed trying to fight off some ills.

Do you reckon you could rustle up someone from NearForm to speak? Also @BethGriggs - would you be up for speaking? You're not London based right? We can probably dial you in for it (after seeing Evan You dial in for his Keynote at Vue London... we can totally give this a try). (cc @seanmtracey because I don't know how github notifications work and maybe he can bug you about this).

seanmtracey commented 4 years ago

I'll drop Beth a message and make sure she gets the message :)

BethGriggs commented 4 years ago

I'm up for speaking! I'll most likely be able to attend in person 😃

admataz commented 4 years ago

@hewIngram - all good - yes - I'll ask around for potential talks

regarding live link ups - I try to avoid them if possible - we've had some pretty dire talks in the past strangers on a screen... generally there's a disconnect for attendees - although for a lightning talk and an established member of our community I think it's fine....

@BethGriggs Great if you can make it!! - but let us know if you have any problems making it into London for the night

admataz commented 4 years ago

thanks all! videos available at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLam_80-FY3vRXJr6R104agQ8OYNoo4xNG