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⚡️Using Serverless to compile the Serverless. #178

Closed seanmtracey closed 4 years ago

seanmtracey commented 4 years ago

Compiling native dependencies for Serverless Node.js functions can be a PITA. In this lightning talk, I will explain how I put together an an OpenWhisk function which which makes compiling those dependencies as easy as making a single HTTP request.

About me

I'm a Developer Advocate at IBM. I spend my time with AI, IoT, and Cloud Computing technologies - usually with Node.js (but sometimes with a smattering of Python), and I help run some meetup groups across the UK.

admataz commented 4 years ago

Hi @seanmtracey - thanks for this - it's an interesting challenge - I'd love to hear how you're achieving it with OpenWhisk. Question, maybe you can address in a few lines in your talk - but why have native deps in your serverless functions?

We had a cancellation for later this month - how are you fixed for the 27th November?

seanmtracey commented 4 years ago

Hey Adam,

Yup, this month works for me :)

Will address why we might want native deps in a serverless function in the talk (in short, we don't live in a perfect world 😅)

admataz commented 4 years ago

as discussed - video didn't come through :(