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QEWD-JSdb: It's a Database, Jim, but not as we know it! #180

Closed robtweed closed 4 years ago

robtweed commented 4 years ago

QEWD-JSdb is a new concept for databases in Node.js. Although it's implemented on top of two incredibly fast, industrial-strength (though little-known) physical database technologies (the Open Source YottaDB and the proprietary IRIS databases), QEWD-JSdb abstracts their underlying hierarchical physical storage as on-disk JavaScript objects, blurring the boundary between what's in-memory and what's on-disk.

With QEWD-JSdb, the database is no longer something that exists on another server, no longer effectively a separate technology that you access via a network connection using its in-built APIs, and which imposes on you a database model over which you have no control. Let's face it: most mainstream databases are "one trick ponies" that model data in one particular way: fine if all your database requirements fit that model, but most likely you'll have circumstances that mean you either end up consuming valuable time fighting that model to fit your needs. or end up having to support multiple databases with all the resulting additional pain, aggravation and maintenance overhead.

With QEWD-JSdb, there's none of those restrictions and annoyances: your persistent data and its modelling is in your direct control within your Node.js processes! As far as you're concerned, you're just dealing with JavaScript objects/JSON, but rather than being in-memory, they happen to be on-disk!

But you're not limited to persistent JSON: it's easy to model pretty much any type of database, both NoSQL and Relational/SQL on top of the basic persistent JSON data structures. In fact, QEWD-JSdb comes with some already created for you to use and/or explore, including:

Once you're familiar with the basics of QEWD-JSdb, you can create your own custom database model if the built-in models don't meet your needs: no more time wasted fighting the database!

It's even possible to simultaneously apply different database models to the same physical QEWD-JSdb data!

All sounds too good to be true? Come and find out at Rob's talk on QEWD-JSdb.

Rob Tweed (@rtweed) is a Director of M/Gateway Developments Ltd, and has been part of the LNUG scene since its earliest days - he was one of the speakers at its inaugural meeting, and has given a number of talks over the years, mainly focused on his Node.js-based QEWD technology/platform.

Rob has several decades of experience, developing and advising on real-world complex, business-critical applications around the world, in sectors such as healthcare IT, financial services and retail systems. He's specialised in database integration for Web and Internet technologies since the early days in the mid-90s, and has been immersed in Node.js since its earliest days in 2011!

A keen proponent of Open Source software, you can find all his work (including QEWD-JSdb) at @robtweed

hewIngram commented 4 years ago

This sounds super interesting @robtweed - a really cool bit of tech for node.js!

What were you thinking of in terms of the talk? It might be nice to have a split of how (and why!) you built it (I'd never heard of YottaDB or Iris so would be cool to learn a bit about how it works under the hood). As well as an example of it in use (maybe a basic one then a really cool one)?

Also the repo is: https://github.com/robtweed/qewd-jsdb for anyone wanting to poke about

Are you free 22nd Jan for doing it?


robtweed commented 4 years ago

Yes I can do 22nd Jan. In terms of the talk, it's an interesting question. As you can imagine, there's quite a bit of stuff behind the technology, both in terms of they why and the how, so it might warrant an initial introduction talk and (if people are interested), a later follow-up talk delving into some of the more technical aspects.

As an introductory talk I think you're right:

That's probably a good 45 mins worth, if you think people can handle that....and it will only scratch the surface! :-)

admataz commented 4 years ago

Hey @robtweed - thanks for this - the intro sounds an amazing dive into this application of node.js - 45 minutes is longer than we usually have - but I get that there's a lot to cover - if you can keep it lively and relevant, I think the extra 15-20 minutes don't drag on - and people enjoy it.

(truth is talks often drift - personally I'd rather have a talk that is planned to be 45 minutes that is packed with good info than the 20 minute talk that is dragged out to 45 minutes because the speaker loses the thread)

Any thoughts on this aspect @lnug/organisers ?

hewIngram commented 4 years ago

Yeah I think that makes sense @admataz

@robtweed sounds like a nice summary. Maybe the history bit can be kept focussed and short so we can get to the good stuff? Excited to hear it!

robtweed commented 4 years ago

Yep - I'll keep it focused and snappy! I'm hoping to see a few jaws drop when the demos begin :-)

admataz commented 4 years ago

Hey @robtweed - thanks again - I think you got it already - but the video is now online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TlAKTw167s&list=PLam_80-FY3vSPW9apMaczTN_4dtke9GYM

See you soon

robtweed commented 4 years ago

Yep - saw it!

Many thanks for this Adam! See you next week at the next LNUG meeting.

Cheers Rob

On Tue, 18 Feb 2020 at 16:30, Adam Davis notifications@github.com wrote:

Hey @robtweed https://github.com/robtweed - thanks again - I think you got it already - but the video is now online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TlAKTw167s&list=PLam_80-FY3vSPW9apMaczTN_4dtke9GYM

See you soon

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-- Rob Tweed Director, M/Gateway Developments Ltd http://www.mgateway.com