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Authentication && Serverless && Node #186

Closed bernardbaker closed 4 years ago

bernardbaker commented 4 years ago

Auth0 is a leading world class authentification platform. And I'd like to present it using Node and Serverless.

Regular methods of authentication include setting up a custom authentification API, user, session and token management. Which is time consuming, not productive and plainly put, not very secure if a solution doesn't aspire to RFC specifications.

In my talk I will present to the audience; Auth0 as a solution, Netlify serverless functions, a Node API implementation of passwordless authentication, and basic API endpoint protection using JWT.

I'm Bernard, I'm working for myself. An e-commerce startup. @bernibear2000.

Ankcorn commented 4 years ago

Cool topic @bernardbaker, how long is the talk going to be?

Also, passwordless auth is super nice, I am seeing more things start to use it, does this talk go into some of the specifics of that?

admataz commented 4 years ago

Hey @bernardbaker - thanks for the talk proposal - yes - if you can keep this around 20 minutes it will be great!

As you are aware - due to the current limitations and health concerns for actual physical meetups we are running a remote meetup at the same time as our normal monthly meetup - next Wednesday 25th starting from 7pm - and will be streaming talks live. Would you be able to present your talk via a video link? We are busy coordinating the technical details.

bernardbaker commented 4 years ago

Hi Thomas,

15-20 mins.

And it will cover detail of the authentication flow, implementation of code and resources.

I contributed to a different Auth0 demo in the past. By implementing an authentication flow and providing a pull request for a bug fix.

I also plan to join the Auth0 guest author platform and I'll mention the published materials in the talk.

On Wed, 18 Mar 2020, 22:31 Thomas Ankcorn, notifications@github.com wrote:

Cool topic @bernardbaker https://github.com/bernardbaker, how long is the talk going to be?

Also, passwordless auth is super nice, I am seeing more things start to use it, does this talk go into some of the specifics of that?

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bernardbaker commented 4 years ago

Hi Adam,

Yes, I can present my talk via video link. Send the details of the video conference call.

I've used Google hangouts and Zoom for Mac in the past.

On Wed, 18 Mar 2020, 22:38 Adam Davis, notifications@github.com wrote:

Hey @bernardbaker https://github.com/bernardbaker - thanks for the talk proposal - yes - if you can keep this around 20 minutes it will be great!

As you are aware - due to the current limitations and health concerns for actual physical meetups we are running a remote meetup at the same time as our normal monthly meetup - next Wednesday 25th starting from 7pm - and will be streaming talks live. Would you be able to present your talk via a video link? We are busy coordinating the technical details.

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Ankcorn commented 4 years ago

Nice that sounds cool, thanks bernard!

Looking forward to your talk 👍

admataz commented 4 years ago

Thanks @bernardbaker - I'll get the details for the stream to you as soon as that's worked out. There's a conversation going on in the planning channel if you're interested.

bernardbaker commented 4 years ago

Thanks, just clicked.


Bernard T. A. Baker

On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 2:34 PM Adam Davis notifications@github.com wrote:

Thanks @bernardbaker https://github.com/bernardbaker - I'll get the details for the stream to you as soon as that's worked out. There's a conversation going on in the planning channel https://github.com/lnug/event-planning/issues/40 if you're interested.

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bernardbaker commented 4 years ago

Presentation slides are ready. Looking forward to the talk.

Regards, Bernard

On Thu, 19 Mar 2020, 09:40 Thomas Ankcorn, notifications@github.com wrote:

Nice that sounds cool, thanks bernard!

Looking forward to your talk 👍

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admataz commented 4 years ago

Hey @bernardbaker - @phazonoverload is looking after the streaming for Wednesday - can I leave it to you both to coordinate what's required?

bernardbaker commented 4 years ago

Yes, you can.

@phazonoverload could we open a dialogue?


Bernard T. A. Baker

On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 12:25 AM Adam Davis notifications@github.com wrote:

Hey @bernardbaker https://github.com/bernardbaker - @phazonoverload https://github.com/phazonoverload is looking after the streaming for Wednesday - can I leave it to you both to coordinate what's required?

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phazonoverload commented 4 years ago

Ello! Can you join https://meet.google.com/kap-wyky-hjc at 6pm tomorrow please? Will test the setup. This call is for me, Adam, and speakers only :)

bernardbaker commented 4 years ago


On Tue, 24 Mar 2020, 20:20 Kevin Lewis, notifications@github.com wrote:

Ello! Can you join https://meet.google.com/kap-wyky-hjc at 6pm tomorrow please? Will test the setup. This call is for me, Adam, and speakers only :)

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admataz commented 4 years ago

Hey @bernardbaker - thanks again for your talk - I've split your talk into its own video, which is now available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJadwGNty78&list=PLam_80-FY3vSnxa361LcIM5tSmZDjSGD-&index=2

Speak soon!

bernardbaker commented 4 years ago



Bernard T. A. Baker

On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 5:30 PM Adam Davis notifications@github.com wrote:

Hey @bernardbaker https://github.com/bernardbaker - thanks again for your talk - I've split your talk into its own video, which is now available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJadwGNty78&list=PLam_80-FY3vSnxa361LcIM5tSmZDjSGD-&index=2

Speak soon!

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