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JavaScript Runtimes on AWS Lambda #196

Closed boristane closed 1 year ago

boristane commented 1 year ago


Node.js is one of the key runtimes to develop applications on AWS Lambda. It was announced 13 years ago and is now considered to be boring technology by many. But over the past few years, a few newer JavaScript runtimes have emerged, to solve some of the issues with Node.js.

In this talk, we will walk through a few of the newer JavaScript runtimes, and do a comparison of both the developer experience and their performance when deployed on AWS Lambda.

Boris is the founder of Baselime. Before this, he worked on back-end systems and infrastructure at multiple startups, where he was drawn to cloud-native and serverless technologies. He always ended up being the guardian of the logging and monitoring systems in the teams he joined.

Now, he's helping serverless teams automate their observability configurations with Observability as Code.

Twitter: @boristane GitHub: @boristane

Ankcorn commented 1 year ago

Looking forward to this! Thank you :)

I will update meetup and the website.

Ankcorn commented 1 year ago

Great Talk @boristane! Thanks for getting involved. The video is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uqknl_aYFUM