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Fastify - a fast web framework with batteries attached and amazing TypeScript support #198

Closed mikeborozdin closed 9 months ago

mikeborozdin commented 1 year ago


There are more web frameworks for Node.js than Express. Fastify is a great alternative to Express. It's blazingly fast. It's got a lot of features out of the box that require don't require installing additional package unlike other frameworks. And it's got an amazing TypeScript support.

In this talk we'll build a REST API while exploring Fastify features. We'll also compare it with what we would have to do in other Node.js frameworks.

About me

Mike is an entrepreneurial software engineer. He's built products across the entire stack ranging from native Android apps to serverless ML pipelines. And now he's helping to build a brand new AI product for Tractable. In his spare time he tries build a personal finance product - Cashable.

Twitter Blog

Ankcorn commented 1 year ago

Hi @mikeborozdin

The talk sounds great.

We are going to try and run LNUG on the 22nd at Ballys Interactive https://goo.gl/maps/Cc9z1Vj91u7nQ6qH7

Can you make this date?

If you have any questions feel free to reach out

mikeborozdin commented 1 year ago

Hi @Ankcorn,

Thank you! And sorry for the late response! Unfortunately, I'm going on holiday on the 22nd.

Can I give a talk at the event after then?

Ankcorn commented 1 year ago

Hey @mikeborozdin, awesome to run into you last night, just to confirm would you potentially be able to make the 22nd of march?

mikeborozdin commented 1 year ago

@Ankcorn, yeah, all good 👍

admataz commented 9 months ago

Hey @mikeborozdin - I hope all is well with you - just cleaning up a few old issues - if you didn't see, the video from your talk is on YouTube - you can also find it on our site

Hopefully see you at the next meetup 26 September - see here