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Praveen Kumar Purushothaman - Client Side JavaScript Encryption & Decryption #202

Closed praveenscience closed 3 weeks ago

praveenscience commented 1 year ago

Abstract of your talk

In this intriguing JavaScript talk, we delve into the world of client-side encryption and decryption, presenting a daring idea that promises enhanced safety. By exploring the potential of safeguarding sensitive information within the realm of JavaScript, we embark on an unconventional journey that challenges conventional practices. Brace yourself for an unconventional approach that pushes the boundaries of security and dares to place valuable data in an unexpected location. This talk is going to be completely practical. 💪🏻

Use Cases:

Some more information:

A small video of my talk...


It would be amazing to get this scheduled on the 100th Meetup! 💪🏻

A bit about you, e.g. current job, twitter handle, etc.

I’m Praveen Kumar Purushothaman, a London-based Director of Engineering at a Fortune 50 FinTech in Canary Wharf. Originally from Chennai, India, I’m an avid JavaScript enthusiast, specialising in React and Node JS, while also harbouring an extreme love for cats. I tweet at @praveenscience and I’m extremely active on LinkedIn & WhatsApp. 📱

All the creatives and more information about me, you can find them here: Schedule a Workshop with Praveen.

admataz commented 9 months ago

Hi @praveenscience - great to have you on the schedule for this month's meetup!

Quick question: Will you be giving a specific node.js angle to the talk - or anything different from the other times you've presented this topic at other meetups?

I think it would be great if you could focus on the node side of your solution - or put into context for node developers. Any thoughts?

praveenscience commented 9 months ago

@admataz Yea, it's gonna be concentrated on the Node side of things, and this time I have changed a lot in the content of the presentation so it's not gonna be like how it was before.

admataz commented 9 months ago

Hi @praveenscience - looking forward to seeing you later this evening. It would be good if you can get in to Makers a little early - say 6:15 or so to coordinate with the videographer and laptop issues - it's generally done via a shared zoom call hosted at the venue account - I'll share the invitation to that over email

admataz commented 9 months ago

OK, I don't have your email - I'll DM you in twitter

admataz commented 9 months ago

lol, you don't follow @lnugorg - can't DM you - we can work it out at the venue