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Learn the platform with svelte #205

Open paoloricciuti opened 10 months ago

paoloricciuti commented 10 months ago

Svelte is a frontend framework but despite that thanks to svelte-kit and the general philosophy behind svelte it's a great tool to get started in web dev because while learning svelte you can easily learn how the web platform works, and now with svelte-kit you can learn node too!

I'm Paolo Ricciuti, i work as a full stack developer at Main matter and I'm a svelte lover (and also an official svelte ambassador).

admataz commented 9 months ago

Hey @paoloricciuti - I'm a big fan of Svelte (and previously Sapper) - and would love to hear more about the recent svelte-kit developments.

Would you be talking about how we as node developers can use svelte-kit effectively - or will you be talking more about how svelte-kit is authored with regards to node.js/ javascript/ typescript - I think both angles would be of interest to LNUG attendees.

How are you for a talk in October?

paoloricciuti commented 9 months ago

Hey @paoloricciuti - I'm a big fan of Svelte (and previously Sapper) - and would love to hear more about the recent svelte-kit developments.

Would you be talking about how we as node developers can use svelte-kit effectively - or will you be talking more about how svelte-kit is authored with regards to node.js/ javascript/ typescript - I think both angles would be of interest to LNUG attendees.

How are you for a talk in October?

My idea was to start with a simple html file and show it can be used to build some simple Todo, than literally copy and paste all of that in the svelte repl to see how svelte is close to raw html/css/JavaScript and how it show you warnings for a11y etc. From there how to move to full stack with sveltekit and see how there you would use native request and response and how you can use fs modules and other node.js stuff

When would the October meetup be? I think I can make it work. Is it ok to attend virtually?

admataz commented 9 months ago

Are you going to be in London at any point? We are an in person meet up primarily. We have found remote talks don't really work very well.

admataz commented 9 months ago

It will be the last week of October - details to be confirmed. Next one would be late November.

paoloricciuti commented 9 months ago

I might be able to organize to come to London, at this point tho it might be better to also sync with the svelte London meetup so that I can catch two pigeon with a stone. Are you flexible with dates?

paoloricciuti commented 9 months ago

Scott confirmed that the svelte meetup should be the last week of October too...they are still finding a venue so it's not set in stone yet but I think we can coordinate

admataz commented 9 months ago

Awesome! I'll lock in a date for October and we can work from there.

paoloricciuti commented 9 months ago

@admataz svelte London meetup is the 25th...can you fix a date near this (I don't know how much flexibility you have)

admataz commented 9 months ago

Hey @paoloricciuti - we have secured Tuesday 24th October for our next meetup. Can you make it?

paoloricciuti commented 9 months ago

Yeah It's ok...I'll book my plane next week

paoloricciuti commented 8 months ago

Hey @admataz how strict is the 20 min rule? How far can i go over that? 😅

admataz commented 8 months ago

Hey @paoloricciuti we can be flexible and plan a bit. We just want to avoid rambling overruns that affect time available for later speakers and people that need to go home. There's nothing worse than when people have to leave between talks. (Has happened)

I think up to 30mins would be ok. Is that long enough?

paoloricciuti commented 8 months ago

Hey @paoloricciuti we can be flexible and plan a bit. We just want to avoid rambling overruns that affect time available for later speakers and people that need to go home. There's nothing worse than when people have to leave between talks. (Has happened)

I think up to 30mins would be ok. Is that long enough?

Yeah absolutely: I was asking because my original idea was taking a bit longer and I can shorten it but it would be a bit worst. I will keep it under 30min

admataz commented 8 months ago

Hey @paoloricciuti - hope you're all good for tomorrow?.

I will try get to the venue as soon after 5pm as possible to start making things ready. Makers have a zoom - based video set up for broadcasting to their projectors- let me know if you can't run that and we will make a plan.

Also Let me know if you need anything special - otherwise we will just plug your laptop in and go... looking forward to seeing you there.

paoloricciuti commented 8 months ago

Hey @paoloricciuti - hope you're all good for tomorrow?.

I will try get to the venue as soon after 5pm as possible to start making things ready. Makers have a zoom - based video set up for broadcasting to their projectors- let me know if you can't run that and we will make a plan.

Also Let me know if you need anything special - otherwise we will just plug your laptop in and go... looking forward to seeing you there.

I should be able to connect pretty easily, I'll try to be there as soon as I can so that if we have problems we can have time to sort them out.

paoloricciuti commented 8 months ago

@admataz I should be out there but I don't know where the entrance is