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WebRTC: Why Art Thou Such A PITA? #206

Open seanmtracey opened 9 months ago

seanmtracey commented 9 months ago

[Abstract of your talk]

In this talk, I propose to talk about the history and status of WebRTC, how it's still terribly unwieldy for people to get started with - even after a decade since it's release, and how we can use Node.js to build P2P applications at scale with a little bit of prodding.

[A bit about you, e.g. current job, twitter handle, etc.]

Sean M. Tracey: @seanmtracey, Developer Relations Manager at Moneyhub; CTO of KadVR.

admataz commented 9 months ago

@seanmtracey ! the legend returns!

Would love to have you back at one of our upcoming events - we don't have a specific date yet - but how about October?

And as for WebRTC - I remember there being a lot of interesting node apps exploding onto the scene a while back - p2p skype replacements! - that were full of promise and it being very exciting. What happened??? Is node.js WebRTC not quietly powering everything we do online by now?

Look forward to it.

seanmtracey commented 9 months ago

Second half of October would work for me! As for what happened to P2P? it was PITA, hence the talk title 😂

admataz commented 9 months ago

Hey @seanmtracey - we are locked in for Tuesday 24th October at Makers Academy - would love you to speak. Can you make it that date?

As a code demo for WebRTC can you live code us a new chat platform for LNUG? Discord is not doing it for us :trollface:

seanmtracey commented 9 months ago

24th works for me! I'll be there!

As for the code demo, don't tempt me - I've got so few blood, sweat, and tears left to give 😂

admataz commented 9 months ago

Excellent! you are on the bill.

admataz commented 8 months ago

Hey @seanmtracey - hope you're all good for tomorrow?.

I will try get to the venue as soon after 5pm as possible to start making things ready. Makers have a zoom - based video set up for broadcasting to their projectors- let me know if you can't run that and we will make a plan.

Also Let me know if you need anything special - otherwise we will just plug your laptop in and go... looking forward to seeing you there.

admataz commented 8 months ago

for the zoom - can you ping me your email address to the @lnugorg twitter ?

seanmtracey commented 8 months ago

All good for this evening, will ping over my email to the Twitter now. Will be around for just after 6, Zoom shouldn't be a problem 👌