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I've got swagger. Have you? #63

Closed tanzim closed 7 years ago

tanzim commented 8 years ago

OpenAPI Specification, formerly known as Swagger is a well established standard for defining REST API interfaces. In this talk I'd like to quickly go over Swagger, how you can integrate it with node.js and a few best practices that goes a long way to deliver robust enterprise class API service

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iancrowther commented 8 years ago

Hey @tanzim

I've been looking at this recently so would be interested in the talk.

iancrowther commented 8 years ago

We currently have an open slot next week in and in April. When would you think this talk could be ready?

iancrowther commented 8 years ago

ok I've now got my bearings and proposed May for this talk

tanzim commented 8 years ago

Sounds good.

iancrowther commented 8 years ago

can I confirm this?

admataz commented 8 years ago

Hi @tanzim - I would love to May's talks before Wednesday's meetup - can you confirm?

tanzim commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the delayed response. I'm out of the country 😅. Yes, you can confirm the talk for May. Thanks, T

iancrowther commented 8 years ago

Locked in

tanzim commented 8 years ago

@iancrowther @admataz Gents, I really do apologise for the last minute notice, but it looks like that I won't be able to present on 25th. I've been caught in an unexpected hard deadline and I had plans to finish off the slides over the weekend, which was a miserable failure and it's clear that I won't be able to get them finished either by tomorrows event.

I'd have monkey patched something but it's unlikely that I would even make it to the event, so there's no point of making false promises.

Apologies once again.

admataz commented 8 years ago

Thanks for letting us know @tanzim - we'll try make a plan and hopefully get you in another month

clarkie commented 8 years ago

@tanzim I'm not sure we should have closed this. Are you interested in rescheduling?

tanzim commented 8 years ago

@clarkie Yup very much interested in rescheduling. I will get back with a date. Stay tuned.

admataz commented 7 years ago

@tanzim how are you fixed for August 24th?

tanzim commented 7 years ago

@admataz Yikes, looks like once again I'm not available for the 24th. I can commit to September if that's okay? And I shall make sure this time that my calendar is free. Sorry about that.

admataz commented 7 years ago

@tanzim - thanks...

clarkie commented 7 years ago

Hi @tanzim, just checking you're 100% for September?

admataz commented 7 years ago

bump! @tanzim

tanzim commented 7 years ago

Yup on for September @clarkie @admataz :)

admataz commented 7 years ago

cool! excellent - confirmed

admataz commented 7 years ago

Hi @tanzim Just confirming you're all OK for Wednesday? Is there anything you need for your talk? Just to be safe - if you have an adaptor for your laptop to plug in to the projector, can you bring it along?

See you there! I will be there at Makers from about 5:30pm.

tanzim commented 7 years ago

@admataz I'm good for Wednesday. I use and Mac and last time around didn't need to use any adapter, IIRC I just used HDMI to hook up to the screen. Hopefully that's remained the same?

jkbits1 commented 7 years ago

it's the same setup as before, hdmi is fine :+1:

clarkie commented 7 years ago

@tanzim are you here? Please make yourself known to someone at the front. Thanks