lobehub / lobe-vidol-market

Index of vidol.chat market
MIT License
6 stars 3 forks source link

This is the Market Virtual Store Directory for Vidol.Chat

Vidol Chat displays the available product list to users by reading the index.json file from this repository.

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How to Submit an Agent

If you wish to add an Agent to the list, simply add a file under the agents folder using the templates/agent.json, provide a brief description, and submit a PR to the main branch.

Detailed Submission Guidelines

  1. Fork this repository.

  2. Make a copy of the templates/agent.json file.

  3. Fill in the appropriate Agent configuration information.

  4. Move it to the src\agents folder.

  5. Submit the PR, wait for review, and upon merging, the public/agents/index.json file will be automatically rebuilt.