loboris / ESP32_TFT_library

Full featured TFT library for ESP32 with demo application
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Adafruit HUZZAH32 and TFT FeatherWing with ESP-IDF #3

Closed sukeshak closed 6 years ago

sukeshak commented 6 years ago

Trying to get Adafruit HUZZAH32 and Adafruit TFT FeatherWing work with this library.

Updated tftspi.h with the following

define PIN_NUM_MISO 19 // SPI MISO

define PIN_NUM_MOSI 18 // SPI MOSI

define PIN_NUM_CLK 5 // SPI CLOCK pin

define PIN_NUM_CS 15 // Display CS pin

define PIN_NUM_DC 33 // Display command/data pin

define PIN_NUM_TCS 32 // Touch screen CS pin

define PIN_NUM_RST 16 // GPIO used for RESET control

But still not working...

I also found this setting... not sure if its correct or needs a change // Define which spi bus to use VSPI_HOST or HSPI_HOST


Any help to get this library working is highly appreciated.

loboris commented 6 years ago

The pins are correct, so it should work. I don't think RESET is nessary on Adafruit TFT FeatherWing, try without it... _#define SPI_BUS VSPIHOST & _#define SPI_BUS HSPIHOST should both work, try both... Touch cannot be used, the STMPE610 touch controller this board uses is not supported (I'll try to implement it next month). Disable touch. Try the latest commit... I don't have Adafruit TFT FeatherWing to try...

sukeshak commented 6 years ago

You mean set RESET to 0? I have tried both VSPI & HSPI without any difference (nothing shows up on display).

The SPI sample from ESP-IDF tree works since that implements driver for same display. So not sure what is different between your SPI related code and the one on ESP-IDF source tree.

sukeshak commented 6 years ago

Link to the discussion on the forum https://www.esp32.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1683&start=70

loboris commented 6 years ago

Fixed in the latest commit.