loboris / ESP32_TFT_library

Full featured TFT library for ESP32 with demo application
553 stars 219 forks source link

Please provide some Screenshots #6

Open DKlay opened 6 years ago

DKlay commented 6 years ago

First I would like to thank you for this library.

Currently, I am trying to integrate this library into my project (C++) with some success but the text is not displayed on my display and fillScreen and drawRect does not work properly (i think) or maybe my display is broken which i will try to replace on this weekend. btw. i dont used the SPIFFS image.

If possible could expand the project with some images that show the expected drawing results of your demo code?

My Hardware: ESP-WROOM32 with ILI9341 Display.

loboris commented 6 years ago

I'll try to make a demo application video and put it on YouTube when I'll find some free time...

colesnicov commented 6 years ago
