loboris / ESP32_TFT_library

Full featured TFT library for ESP32 with demo application
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Couldn't make display working #77

Closed MusabAybek closed 5 years ago

MusabAybek commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone. I'm using esp-idf v3.3 on my windows 10 device.

I downloaded the library and tried the demo code on Esp32 devkit v1 with ILI9341. Wired the display just as shown in the readme file. [mosi:23, miso:19, sck:18, CS:5(display CS), DC:26(display DC), TCS:25(touch screen CS)] And also wired 3.3v to Vcc, Gnd to Gnd, LED to 3.3v.

Everything on the code side seems okay, example output just like a same that is in the readme file, but display is all white, nothing appears. Can anyone help please?