loboris / ESP32_TFT_library

Full featured TFT library for ESP32 with demo application
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Printing variables with TFT_print function? #82

Closed MusabAybek closed 4 years ago

MusabAybek commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone. I want to print varibles with TFT_print function. When I try to write variable into function, I get error; "CPU halted."

int x = 10; TFT_print( x ,10 ,10);

Isn't it possible to use this function like this? If not, how to write varibles onto screen with TFT_print function? Thanks in advance...

elieDaan commented 4 years ago

Hey, you have to convert your int into a char.

MusabAybek commented 4 years ago

I tried but getting the same error :/

jeremyjh commented 4 years ago

print takes a char * (string) argument.

MusabAybek commented 4 years ago

What I want to do is something like that;

int x=0; while(1) { x++; TFT_print(x,10.10); vTaskDelay(1000/portTICK_PERIOD_MS); }

It didn't work when I try to write TFT_print(char *x,10,10); Thanks for the answers, but I couldn't make it work :/

jeremyjh commented 4 years ago

That is not how you convert an int to a string in C. The starting point here is the stdlib function sprintf. But you will first have to allocate enough memory for your string. Here is an example where they allocate some memory, declare some ints, and then make a string with those ints.


MusabAybek commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much guys... It's working