loehnertj / bsbgateway

Read and write data on a BSB (Boiler System Bus).
GNU General Public License v3.0
15 stars 13 forks source link


Read and write data on a BSB (Boiler System Bus).

Functionalities offered:


You need hardware to interface with the bus. In priniple, a serial port and a level converter / galvanic decoupler is required. The circuit that I use is drawn here, but not recommended for rebuilding.

The serial port driver evaluates the CTS (clear-to-send) pin of the RS232 in order to check if the bus is free. Depending on your circuit, you may want to change the settings (esp. invert/no invert) in (bsb_comm.py), around line 60.


Dependencies are web.py and pySerial. To install them, use pip install -r requirements.txt

Clone or download the project.

Edit config.py to your liking.

Run using sh bsbgateway.sh.

For continuous operation, it is (currently) recommendable to run in a screen environment like so:

screen -dmS bsbgateway '/bin/sh /path/to/bsbgateway.sh'