loewydesign / loewy-assets

A front-end asset pipeline driven by gulp.js.
MIT License
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Loewy Assets

A front-end asset pipeline driven by gulp.js.


Loewy Assets is a front-end asset pipeline driven by gulp.js that we developed in-house for all of our projects. Note that it is not a "build your own flow" type of asset pipeline. Instead, we've taken the zero-configuration approach of "install and done" - well, if you're using Laravel. If you're using something else, you'll need to define two options: where your development assets are, and where you want your production assets to go.

We make no guarantees as to the functionality or direction of the project. Use at your own risk.

With that said, Loewy Assets should be mature enough for use in real world projects. Note that this npm package and GitHub repository are fairly new, so we're still ironing out some bugs and inconsistencies. Once we hit our first minor version, things should start to stabilize.


  1. If you're not already using gulp in your project, install it now as development dependency:

    npm install --save-dev gulp

    You may also need to install it globally:

    npm install -g gulp
  2. Install loewy-assets as a development dependency:

    npm install --save-dev loewy-assets
  3. Create a gulpfile.js for your project. Use the sample as a reference. There is also a barebones sample for quick copy-pasting.

  4. Run gulp, which will automatically watch for changes to your files and run the appropriate tasks:



Here are some of the features of Loewy Assets. Further details and usage examples to come.

Sass compilation

The sass task automatically compiles all of your Sass files into CSS with libsass through node-sass and gulp-sass.

CSS prefixes

The styles task automatically takes care of CSS prefixes with autoprefixer through gulp-autoprefixer.

Fingerprinted assets

The deploy-css and deploy-js tasks automatically fingerprint your CSS and JS assets, respectively, by using gulp-rev. A rev-manifest.json file is also created to define the mappings from the original filenames to the fingerprinted filenames.

JS concatenation

The js task automatically concatenates JS assets into user-defined modules with gulp-concat.

You can either concatenate everything into a single output file (module), or separate your logic into multiple files (modules).

Sourcemaps Generation

The styles and js task can generate sourcemaps for you using gulp-sourcemaps.

See the css and js portions of the configuration object in config.js. We highly recommend using deep-extend to extend the configuration variable within your gulpfile.js.

Sourcemaps will not be generated while NODE_ENV is not set, or is set to production. On Windows, please run SET NODE_ENV=development in the console, and try again.

The watch command will automatically set the config.env variable to development, as it is assumed you are not in production mode.

Rasterized spritesheets

The sprites task automatically generates a fingerprinted PNG spritesheet using gulp.spritesmith.

SVG spritesheets

The svg-sprites task automatically generates a fingerprinted SVG spritesheet using svg-sprite through gulp-svg-sprite.


This is an up-to-date list of the Loewy Assets built-in tasks.

Directory structure

Loewy Assets assumes that you're running a directory structure like this:

If one or more portions of your directory structure are different, you'll need to manually specify those options in the configuration object.


Q: What about Less, Stylus, and other CSS preprocessors?

A: We use Sass, so that's what we included in the pipeline. Future versions may support Less, Stylus, etc. out of the box. For now, you can easily use other preprocessors by doing something like this:

assets(assetsDir, publicDir, function() {
    // don't create the default Sass task
    delete this.tasks.sass;

    // create our own Less task
    this.tasks.less = function() {
        this.gulp.task('less', function() {
            return gulp.src('resources/assets/less/**/*.less')
}, gulp);

Q: What about CoffeeScript, Babel, Dart, and other JS preprocessors/compilers?

A: We don't use any of those (yet), so we haven't included them in the pipeline. Check the CSS preprocessors answer for an example of how you can support these tools in your project.

Q: Can I use this with platform/framework/language XYZ?

A: Yes! The asset pipeline is platform-/framework-/language-agnostic! With that said, we built it with the mindset of using it in Laravel projects (it can act as a drop-in replacement for Laravel's Elixir). We also use it with other PHP frameworks, including WordPress and Magento.

Q: Help, something doesn't work!

A: That's not a question. If you're having trouble, please troubleshoot. If you're still having trouble, feel free to open an issue on GitHub.










Loewy Assets wouldn't exist without all of the wonderful tools put out there by others. These tools include:


MIT © 2019 Hedgehog Development LLC.