lofi-nowhale / tea_subscription

Mod 4 Intermission Work - Take Home Challenge
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Tea Subscription


This app serves as a Tea Subscription API. This is establishes endpoints usable by a front end team to:

  1. Create a new Tea Subscription for a customer
  2. Deactivate a Tea Subscription for a customer
  3. View all Tea Subscriptions for a customer


post "/api/v1/customer_subscriptions" patch "/api/v1/customer_subscriptions/:id" `get '/api/v1/customer_subscriptions', params: { customer_id: }

Built With:

Branch Naming Conventions

When branching on this repo please use the conventions of userstory#_name_feature


1. Fork and Clone
2. $ bundle install
3. $ rails db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}

Database visualization

Tea Subscription Schema Visualization

How to run the test suite

bundle exec rspec
