loftyshaky / advanced-extension-reloader

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Advanced Extension Reloader

A browser extension that enables you to reload an unpacked extension with one click, a hotkey or automatically (extension for developers). [ на русском](
[Chrome Web Store](
[Edge Add-ons](

API changes in Advanced Extension Reloader 2.0.0

The `ext_id`, `play_sound` and `after_reload_delay` properties have been renamed to `extension_id`, `play_notifications` and `delay_after_extension_reload`, respectively. These changes apply to **Advanced Extension Reloader**, **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1** and **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2**.


**Advanced Extension Reloader** is a powerful browser extension that simplifies extension development by allowing you to reload your unpacked extensions with a single click, hotkey or automatically when files change. It features audio notifications to confirm reloads. Ideal for extension developers, it enhances efficiency and streamlines your workflow. **Features:** 🎯 Reload a specific extension by targeting an extension with a specific ID. ⌨️ Reload extensions using a hotkey. 🔄 Set up automatic reloading of your extensions when their files change using the supplementary npm packages **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1** (for development without a bundler) or **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2** (for development with a bundler). 🔔 Receive audio notifications when your extensions are successfully reloaded. 📄 Reload the current tab or all open tabs after your extensions are reloaded (useful for content scripts). ♻️ **Advanced Extension Reloader** will also reopen any tabs that were closed during the reloading process, such as your extension's options page. Below is a detailed guide on how to use **Advanced Extension Reloader** and its supplementary packages.


- [Manual reload](#manual_reload) - [Automatic reload](#automatic_reload) - [Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1: Auto reload WITHOUT bundler](#advanced_extension_reloader_watch_1_no_bundler) - [Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2: Auto reload WITH bundler](#advanced_extension_reloader_watch_2_bundler) - [Apply changes in manifest.json on reload](#manifest_changes_reload) - [Pause automatic reload](#pause_automatic_reload) - [Sample extensions](#sample_extensions) - [API reference](#api) - [Audio notifications](#audio_notifications) - [Build steps](#build_steps)

Manual reload

To manually reload your extension(s), either click the extension's icon in the toolbar or use the *Activate the extension* hotkey, which you can specify at *chrome://extensions/shortcuts*. You can customize the reload behavior by adjusting the *Extension icon click action* field on the settings page. **Example settings:** ```javascript { "all_tabs": false, "hard": true, "extension_id": "dphafhlelejgffkmbmnmomfehnekdnlj", "play_notifications": true } ``` Right-clicking on the extension's icon provides additional reload options, which you can configure in the *Extension icon context menu actions* field on the settings page. This field accepts an array of objects, each following the same schema as in the *Extension icon click action*. Additionally, you can trigger these reload actions by using the *Reload extension X* hotkeys defined at *chrome://extensions/shortcuts*, where *X* corresponds to the position of the action in the array + 1.

Automatic reload

To enable automatic extension reloading, you'll need two supplementary npm packages: **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1** and **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2**. You'll need to have Node.js and the npm package manager installed to use these packages.

Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1: Auto reload WITHOUT bundler

For extensions developed without a bundler, use **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1**. This package watches your files for changes and sends a message to the **Advanced Extension Reloader** to trigger a reload.
**To use it:** 1. Install the package globally: ```shell npm install advanced-extension-reloader-watch-1 --global ``` 2. Create a *config.json* file anywhere on your machine. Replace `extension_id` with your extension's ID: ```json { "port": 6220, "watch_dir": "D:/Cloud/Projects/Advanced Extension Reloader Examples/advanced-extension-reloader-examples/no_bundler/extensions/manifest_3", "extension_id": "pacanmlfjnfoolpglkcpbpoiapkgpaph", "play_notifications": true } ``` 🚩 Important: The port specified here must be duplicated in the **Advanced Extension Reloader** settings page. 3. Open a command prompt/terminal and run: ```shell watch-ext --config path_to_your_config.json ```

Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2: Auto reload WITH bundler

For extensions developed with a bundler, use **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2**.
**Example usage in a Webpack project:** 1. Install **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2**: ```shell npm install advanced-extension-reloader-watch-2 ``` 2. Import `Reloader` in your Webpack config: ```javascript const Reloader = require('advanced-extension-reloader-watch-2/umd/reloader'); ``` 3. Start watching files in your project's `src` directory: ```javascript const reloader = new Reloader({ port: 6223, });; ``` To watch a different directory, set the `watch_dir` property. 🚩 Important: The port specified here must be duplicated in the **Advanced Extension Reloader** settings page. 4. Add the following configuration to the `plugins` array in your Webpack config. Replace `extension_id` with your extension's ID: ```javascript { apply: (compiler) => { compiler.hooks.done.tap('done', (stats) => { const an_error_occured = stats.compilation.errors.length !== 0; if (an_error_occured) { reloader.play_error_notification({ extension_id: 'dphafhlelejgffkmbmnmomfehnekdnlj' }); } else { reloader.reload({ extension_id: 'dphafhlelejgffkmbmnmomfehnekdnlj', play_notifications: true, }); } }); }, }, ``` The `reloader.reload()` function reloads your extension, and `reloader.play_error_notification()` plays an audio notification on bundling failure. You can view an example of the Webpack configuration [here](

Apply changes in manifest.json on reload

To ensure that changes to the *manifest.json* file are applied upon reloading your extension, you'll need to use the `listen()` function from the **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2** supplementary package.
**Here's how to set it up:** - For non-bundler setups, download the appropriate listener.js file based on your background script type: If your background script is an ES module, download the file [here](
If your background script is not an ES module, download the file [here]( - For Webpack setups: Import `Listener` in the background script and call the `listen()` function like so: ```javascript import Listener from 'advanced-extension-reloader-watch-2/umd/listener'; new Listener().listen(); ```

Pause automatic reload

To pause automatic reloading, right-click the extension's icon and select the *Pause Automatic Reload* option. Alternatively, you can use the *Pause/Resume Automatic Reload* hotkey, which can be configured at *chrome://extensions/shortcuts*.

Sample extensions

Sample extensions can be found [here](

Audio notifications

**Advanced Extension Reloader** offers five distinct audio notifications. You can listen to each of them by clicking the links below: - [Reload success - extension installed]( Plays after the extension has been reloaded and is confirmed to be installed in the browser. - [Reload success - extension NOT installed]( Plays after attempting to reload the extension and finding that it is not installed in the browser. - [Reload error - extension installed]( Plays when `reloader.play_error_notification()` is called, and the extension is found to be installed in the browser. - [Reload error - extension NOT installed]( Plays when `reloader.play_error_notification()` is called, and the extension is found to not be installed in the browser. - [Manifest error]( Plays when the *manifest.json* file is found to be invalid.

API reference

| Property | Type | Default value | Applies to | Description | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `hard` | `boolean` | `true` | Advanced Extension Reloader, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | Determines whether to reload the entire extension (`true`) or just the current tab (`false`). If set to `false`, changes to the background script will not be applied.

Even if set to `true`, changes to the *manifest.json* file will not be applied unless you use the `listen()` function from the **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2** supplementary npm package in your extension's background script.

This option can be used in conjunction with `all_tabs`. | | `all_tabs` | `boolean` | `false` | Advanced Extension Reloader, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | Specifies whether to reload all open tabs instead of just the current one. | | `extension_id` | `string` | `undefined` | Advanced Extension Reloader, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | Defines the ID of the extension to reload. If left `undefined`, all extensions will be reloaded. | | `play_notifications` | `boolean` | `false` | Advanced Extension Reloader, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | Indicates whether to play audio notifications for reload success/failure and bundling success. | | `min_interval_between_extension_reloads` | `number` | `500` | Advanced Extension Reloader, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | Defines the minimum interval between extension reloads, ensuring that the **Advanced Extension Reloader** triggers the reload at most once during this period. | | `delay_after_extension_reload` | `number` | `1000` | Advanced Extension Reloader, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | Specifies the time, in milliseconds, to wait after an extension is reloaded before reopening any closed tabs.

If your extension experiences issues, such as errors or blank pages after a reload, you may want to increase this value. | | `delay_after_tab_reload` | `number` | `2000` | Advanced Extension Reloader, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | Specifies time, in milliseconds, to wait after an extension's tabs are reopened before the extension can be reloaded again. | | `listen_message_response_timeout` | `number` | `400` | Advanced Extension Reloader, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | Specifies the duration to wait for a response from your extension when using the `listen()` function. During this process, the **Advanced Extension Reloader** sends a message to your extension's background script to trigger a reload using `runtime.reload()`. If no response is received (e.g., if the service worker is unresponsive), the **Advanced Extension Reloader** will force a reload using `management.setEnabled`. | | `port` | `number` | `7220` | Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | The **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1/2** sets up a server that listens on a specified port and accepts connections from the **Advanced Extension Reloader**.

The **Advanced Extension Reloader** connects to this server using this port and listens for reload events. When a reload event is received, it automatically reloads the extensions you're developing.

🚩 Important: The port must be configured in both the **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1/2** config and the **Advanced Extension Reloader** settings page. | | `watch_dir` | `string` | src | Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | A path to the directory to watch for file changes. Should be your extension's directory path. | | `manifest_path` | `boolean` \| `string` | `false` | Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | Path to the extension's *manifest.json* file: This can be specified as a boolean value or a path. If set to `true`, **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1/2** will automatically search for the *manifest.json* file in the `watch_dir` directory.

This option is necessary for **Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1/2** to validate the *manifest.json* before reloading the extension. If the *manifest.json* file is found to be invalid, the reload process will be canceled to prevent the extension from crashing. | | `hard_paths` | `string[]` | `[]` | Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | An array of paths or partial paths (such as file names). If a change occurs in any file or directory matching these paths, the extension will be reloaded with `hard`: `true`, even if `hard`: `false` is specified in the configuration. | | `soft_paths` | `string[]` | `[]` | Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | An array of paths or partial paths (such as file names). If a change occurs in any file or directory matching these paths, the extension will be reloaded with `hard`: `false`, even if `hard`: `true` is specified in the configuration. | | `all_tabs_paths` | `string[]` | `[]` | Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | An array of paths or partial paths (such as file names). If a change occurs in any file or directory matching these paths, the extension will be reloaded with `all_tabs`: `true`, even if `all_tabs`: `false` is specified in the configuration. | | `one_tab_paths` | `string[]` | `[]` | Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 1, Advanced Extension Reloader Watch 2 | An array of paths or partial paths (such as file names). If a change occurs in any file or directory matching these paths, the extension will be reloaded with `all_tabs`: `false`, even if `all_tabs`: `true` is specified in the configuration. |

Build steps

1. git clone 2. cd into the cloned repository 3. npm install 4. npm run prod (Chrome) / npm run prode (Edge)