log-diginori / log-diginori.github.io

grep -E 'oepn|source|mind' log.diginori.log
1 stars 2 forks source link
blog diginori

grep -E 'oepn|source|mind' >> loG

tail -f loG

Collaboration Guide / How to Contribute

Technical stack

vuepress v2.0.0-beata53

Getting Started with Development

git clone https://github.com/log-diginori/log-diginori.github.io.git
cd log-diginori.github.io.git
yarn install
yarn run docs:dev

yarn run v1.22.19

$ vuepress dev docs

✔ Initializing and preparing data - done in 75ms

vite v3.1.8 dev server running at:

➜ Local: http://localhost:8080/

Distribute and show off

To add a blog post

$ mkdir  src/logs/tech/outlier-detection
$ touch src/logs/tech/outlier-detection/index.md
# add menue
$ vi src/.vuepress/config.js 

Happy hacking

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git push --set-upstream origin 221214/gather

Respectful Blog